Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Effect of Custodial Sentences

What is the effect of custodial sentences on the mental health of young offenders' in England aged between 12-17 years?Introduction(200 Words)There is widespread concern that the prison environment, with its rules and regimes, may have a detrimental impact on the mental health of young offenders, and those with mental illnesses in particular (Birmingham, 2003). The world health organization defined mental health as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community WHO (2014). That is, good mental health is one being generally able to think, feel and react in the ways that you need and want to live your life. But if you go through a period of poor mental health you might find the ways you're frequently thinking, feeling or reacting become difficult, or even impossible, to cope with. This can feel just as bad as a physical illness, or even worse. This research proposal necessitate the rationale for looking into the effects of custodial sentences in the age bracket. Highlighting the aim and objectives for a comprehensive research with methodological justification and the need to scrutinize ethical bias issues in surface. Furthermore, timetable is been developed to facilitate for better analysis and conduct of the research. Also, self-reflection in conclusion is adopted as a way of assessing ways of working and how the research proposal was conducted. Research texts (Gray 2009; Robson 2011; Saunders ; Lewis, 2012) consistently argue – a clear research question supported by a convincing rationale justified by academic literature is essential for a good research project. Background and Rationale for the study (800 words)In spite of the fact that there is a growing body of writing on the mental health needs of young people in the justice system, there remain many unanswered questions.In the year ending March 2016, there were 27,900 young people sentenced in England. This number has fallen by 10% compared with the previous year, and by 71% since the year ending March 2006. However, Community sentences including referral orders and Youth Rehabilitation Orders were most commonly imposed in 68% of sentences Youth Justice Board (2017). Children and young people in custody are three times as likely as their peers to have unmet mental health need, with many having experienced multiple traumas during their young lives such as neglect, abuse and maltreatment. Children in custody are facing a significant shortfall in mental health provision, with some given no access to psychology services and having to wait more than half a year for treatment. Young offenders aged between 12 and 17, many of whom suffer with mental health problems, are being left with urgent needs unmet due to reduced services in secure training centres (STCs) according to recent HMP inspections Youth Justice Board (2017). The 2016 Ministry of Justice review on children who are in the justice system reported that significant numbers of black, Muslim and white working class boys in custody have mental and other health problems. These groups are particularly over-represented in custody, where over 40% are from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds, a large proportion have previously been in care 38% in Young Offender Institutions, 52% in Secure Training Centers, and more than a third have a diagnosed mental health disorder Ministry of Justice (2016). All children who come into contact with youth justice services are vulnerable by virtue of their young age and developmental immaturity according to the prison reform trust The Prison Reform Trust (2010).Many, however, are doubly vulnerable, that is, they are disadvantaged socially, educationally, and also because they experience a range of impairments and emotional difficulties. It is well established that children who offend have more complex health and support needs than other children of their age (Mental Health Foundation 2002).The health and wellbeing needs of these children tend to be particularly severe by the time they are at risk of receiving a community sentence, and even more so when they receive a custodial sentence. If these children are not helped at an early age, they can be sentenced to a lifetime of declining health and worsening offending behavior, with significant long term costs to the taxpayer, and to the victims of these crimes. Brief contacts with the youth justice system are only one element of state intervention in the lives of these children and their families; the role of schools, social care and health services are all critical determinants of improving outcomes Local Government Association (2017). There has been evidence that suggest young that people within the youth justice system have high level of needs in a number of different areas, including health, education, and social and emotional well-being (Chitsabesan et al., 2006; Lader et al., 2000). In particular, studies consistently suggest that young offenders have high levels of mental health needs (Teplin et al., 2002) and neurodevelopmental disorders (Hughes et al., 2012). Even though evidence of high prevalence is found, many of these needs are unmet due to lack of appropriate screening and identification and poor continuity of care (Harrington and Bailey, 2005). This is particularly apparent amongst young people in custody. The British Medical Association sets out with clarity and integrity the human rights principles that provide the foundation for good work with vulnerable children in trouble with the law. The British Medical Association report makes it clear, that young offender institution and other places of youth detention are not full of happy, healthy children and young (BMA 2014,p10)Young offenders' experience of abuse has been found to be significant factors in their lives Beyond Youth Custody (2014). The majority of young violent offenders sentenced to custody had experienced both abuse and loss, suggesting that the existence of a double childhood trauma may be a potent factor in the lives of violent young offenders. However, it must be stressed that child abuse and loss are not the only potential causes of violent offending, nor does every abused child become an offender. Yet an unresolved trauma is likely to manifest itself in some way at a later date. Many children become depressed, disturbed, violent or all three, with girls tending to internalise their responses and boys tending to externalise theirs. Such experiences are sufficiently prevalent to warrant the introduction of systematic assessment for violent young offenders. Attempting to address young offenders' behavior without understanding their underlying difficulties can result in unsuccessful and sometimes detrimental interventions. Failure to take account of experiences of trauma and its impact upon child development and emotional well-being will limit the potential benefits of resettlement or rehabilitation work. According to the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (2010) Justice Policy Review, the coalition government published a green paper on punishment, rehabilitation and sentencing which promised a ‘rehabilitation revolution ‘in relation to its plans for dealing with offending by young people, ‘We must do better so that we can stop the young offenders of today becoming the prolific adult offenders of tomorrow'.an emphasis on prevention, on restorative justice, and on informal intervention points to successive governments concerns about the juvenile prison population. They proposed alternative to youth custody, part of their proposal was that Young Offenders Academy will replace custodial environment, instead the focus will be on community and localism, harnessing integrated education, mental health and family services in order to focus on the education and development of the children. Against a backdrop of high levels of custodial vulnerabilities ; mental illness experienced by young offenders (Bateman and Hazel, 2014; Association for Young People's Health, 2013; National Audit Office, 2015) it can be argued that this topic is worthy of a research. Most noteworthy is the need to understand what is working and not working in terms of understanding custodial related vulnerabilities ; mental illness among young people through reviewing literature so as to increase knowledge base in these areas of practice. Aim To explore the effect of custodial sentences on young offenders' age between 12-17 years on their mental health in England?ObjectivesThe objectives of the proposal are: To explore the prevalence of mental health which affect the children in custody age 12-17 in UK.To examine the overall mental health and psychosocial needs of young offender's custody and to identify how needs vary according to gender, ethnicity and placement. To assess the impact of government policy in supporting young offenders in and out of prison. Methodology ; Justification (800 Words) The research will engage primary and secondary method to evaluate the effects of custodial sentences on young offenders between the age group of 12-17 years on how being in custody affects their mental state. The most important factor in conducting secondary (Qualitative) research is that enough information could be gather which might help in deciding whether or not there is need to conduct primary research. Qualitative research is associated with the social constructivist paradigm which emphasises the socially constructed nature of reality which Seeks to uncover deeper meanings to human behaviour and emotions and the design of the research determines the sample, how data is collected and how it is analyse (Ritchie and Lewis, 2004). Whereas Primary (Quantitative) research Involves collecting and converting data into numerical form for statistical analysis and statistical analysis which enables researchers to determine to what extent there is a relationship between two or more variables, to determine the sample chosen, how data is collected and how the data is analysed (De Vaus, 2004). Information on the prevalence of mental health which affect the children in custody age 12-17 in UK, Overall mental health and psychosocial needs of young offenders both in custody and in the community and to identify how needs vary according to gender, ethnicity and placement (custody versus community) and the impact of government policy and initiative in supporting these young offenders in and out of prison. It will look at studies and evidences and also look at alternative therapeutic on youths with severe emotional disorders due to custodial sentence. Government policies will also be look at. The purpose is to test the hypothesis. Sufficient steps to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of the secondary data will be stress. In undertaking a qualitative research, various points of approach to sampling in qualitative interview-based research shall be access and critically analyze. The approaches which shall be engage are, firstly the defining of a sample universe by way of specifying inclusion and exclusion criteria for potential participation, secondly the deciding upon a sample size, through the conjoint consideration of epistemological and practical concerns, thirdly selecting a sampling strategy, such as random sampling, convenience sampling, stratified sampling, cell sampling, quota sampling or a single-case selection strategy for the avoidance of bias, and ethical concerns pertaining to informed consent. The extent to which these various concerns are met and made explicit in a qualitative study has implications for its coherence, transparency, impact and trustworthiness. Hence the reason why they'll require considerate analysis. According to current practice for research in custody settings, the consent of the custodial director or from Her Majesty Prison Service (HMP) suffices and replaces parental consent. Eighty semi-structured interviews will be carry out with key stakeholders to ascertain the structures of current service provision, and processes involved in provision and outcome. This includes interviews with youth offending staffs, managers and staff within secure establishments, and providers of mental health services in the young offenders' institutes. Between 20-40 percent of young offenders will also be question about their satisfaction with a variety of different services. All sampled children in YOI at the time of the surveys will be invited to engage from to complete a questionnaire. Every effort shall be made to speak to each participant individually in order to explain the purpose and confidentiality of the survey and the independence of the process. Both boys and girls who might need help to complete the survey due to literacy or language difficulties shall be supported with face to face questioning instead. Self-completed questionnaires will be place in sealed envelopes and collected within the survey time frame. The survey will be conducted to ensure any child protection and safeguarding issues arise during the process could be follow up, each questionnaire will be number so that any relevant comments could be trace back to the respondent. Children shall be made aware of this.Google scholar, Academic search complete, Zetoc and Academic premier will be use as the main search engines. Data base which will be accessed are IngentaConnect, Sage journals online, Science direct, The Cochrane library, and Social care online. Key words which will be used in the search is ‘custodial sentence on young offenders between 12-17 years on their mental health in England'. Boolean Operators which use a simple words e.g. AND, OR, NOT will be used as conjunctions to combine or exclude keywords in a search, to enable result which are more focused and can produce productive results. This should save time by eliminating inappropriate hits.Ethical and Bias issues (400 Words)Bias is defined as any tendency which prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question. In research, bias occurs when systematic error is introduced into sampling or testing by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others. Bias can occur at any phase of research, including study design or data collection, as well as in the process of data analysis and publication.In reviewing the literature's search, consideration to the degree to which bias may be presented shall be carefully analyze. Avoidance on how bias might influence a study's conclusions shall also be consider. Writing this research proposal proved very difficult in commencing. My initial thought was that it would be less tedious in comparison to writing an essay. However, participating in lectures and engaging in class activities gave me the stamina and enthusiasm to engage in the process. Having not engage in such a process before was definitely going to be a challenge. I started by going through the lecture notes and the weekly lecture slides to be able to understand how to develop a research question. A research question helps you to focus on your research by providing a path to navigate the research and writing process (Punch, 2006). Although I had partake in the same lecture on how to develop a research question, yet my understanding was a little vague. I searched using the Google website using what I already had in mind and I came across an article from the Independent Newspaper talking about the mental health of young offenders. I then engage with the literature search strategy to develop my question. Building on the research question helped me to develop the introduction which in itself was also not explicit. Again I turn to the lecture notes to guide me on that. One of the most difficult task in the process was developing the rationale. I struggle to understand the fundamentals on how to cultivate an effective rationale due to not fully understanding the important historical and contextual events which is vital in research and which informs the reader about why and how the research problem I'm interested in exist.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Descriptive Paper About Grand Canyon

The great view of the Grand Canyon At the summit of the canyon, I can feel the clouds that are drifting are really closed to me and I can touch the clouds in the sky if I stretch my arms out. The color of sky is various from bright blue to dark blue depending on each individual’s viewpoint. Looking upward, I can see skies splashed with cotton white clouds and the peaks of the canyon are wrapping in clouds. Even though there are clouds a lot in the sky, the sun drawing water is so beautiful. There is also a small plane for tourists who want to enjoy sightseeing the scenery from the sky.The canyons stretch as far as the eyes can see. The canyons that were very deep and steep have a lot of vertical and horizontal stripes and its color is not same each other. The color of canyon is overall brown but the top part of canyon is red, the middle is yellow, and the bottom part seems to be gray or black color. I think the reason the color of the canyon looks different is the sunlight, be cause the sunlight has all different colors of light in it. As the time goes on, I can see more various colors of the canyons. Even shadow of the light also creates beautiful scenes.The view of plunging cliffs also seduces visitors far away. At the bottom of the Grand Canyon, there is a little bit huge boat floating on the river that winds its way through the valley and it seems to move little bit fast. I am gazing down on the liver leaning over the railing and thinking. I could sit and watch the river all day long for admiring the scenery. The sunlight bounced off the river and dazzled me and the canyon casts its sharply defined reflection on the river. I am thinking that the water of the river is so clear I could almost see the gravel on the bottom.Around the river, beautiful trees line the river road. Some tops of canyon are hidden from sight behind lots of trees. However, trees are more located on the bottom of the canyon than the top of it actually and the trees throw long shad ows across the enormous river. The land except for the river on the bottom is covered with all green color because of numerous trees. I am standing drinking in the peaceful landscape at the top of the Grand Canyon, admiring the view and feel my spirit seems to have been purified.I think about myself and set achievable goals with the landscape seen from the top of here. The weather is pretty good to see a view even though there is a cold wind blowing slowly. The sunshine, beautiful scenery, and the sounds of nature make me feel fresh and give energy boost. I can feel complete peace of mind while seeing manifest view. The scenery here looks like monotonous, but the scenery is beautiful beyond all description. I am so engrossed in admiring the view that I lost track of time.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Being Good

Outline Impression defining B person 1 Official impression 2 sense of common sense C paper II history of etiquette old British style B postal family 1 original 2 extended C regulations old-fashioned / unused new wind III type of etiquette common sense aspect B-style 1 social 2 business IV When using A when the appropriate time is B 1 What kind of conditions should be changed 1 Indicator 2 Parallel V vs. Personal opinion Really important thing B Etiquette is a relative reason 1 Correct If you take time to write down the definition of a good meaning in the vocabulary, you might find your answer there. What do you think is the definition of good? It is wonderful if the answer is positive; otherwise, you should find a lesson that you have learned before, which is a belief that you should feel this when you are good It creates. When you realize what you need to do or if you realize that your motivation has disappeared under certain circumstances, please move the change in the right direct ion. This usually means saying no to someone you usually say; it can also mean standing on someone you have never seen before. This is hard work, but it is worth it. I will decide what a good person personally meant to you. Some people think that being a good person is as easy as not hurting other people. But that is not necessarily about what you do, but about what you do for others. Being a good person also includes helping others like other people. You need to decide what you think is a good person. Please select a character model. Having a character model gives you an example of how it corresponds. This person should have the qualities you want to achieve. Think about how you can better embody the quality you admire. Think about how to apply these qualities to work, creative pursuits, personal relationships, meals and lifestyles. The most precious thing I had with my children happened when we volunteered. Being a good parent is part of a good example. It is a good citizen, to re cognize the plight of people in need, respond to it, and show your responsibility through actions. I clearly remember taking my daughter Emily to send clothes and food collected in our community to the low income community in Chicago. I will never forget how she responded to the face of appreciated people accepting donation. Every time delivery is over, I will have breakfast for my dad / daughter at a local coffee shop. So I will talk about when other people will lend my hands and how to hand them over to those who appreciate these items. In addition to providing opportunities to teach feelings, these breakfast experiences are a good combination of moments for us two people.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The evolution and behavior of a primate species Essay

The evolution and behavior of a primate species - Essay Example A key factor to this argument is that primates relied on sight over smell. They were able to develop a keen sense of depth perception, perhaps because of the constant leaping that was necessary to move about the trees. Their initial adaptation to life in trees set the stage for the subsequent appearance of other primate models ("Paleoanthropology/Primates/Humans"). By "arboreal", we refer to the arboreal theory proposed by Le Gros Clark, claiming that primates evolved from their ancestors by adapting to arboreal life. Primates are thought to have developed several of their traits and habits initially while residing in trees. A key factor to this argument is that primates relied on sight over smell. They were able to develop a keen sense of depth perception, perhaps because of the constant leaping that was necessary to move about the trees. The development of the hands and feet in Primates, which made them capable of grasping, was also believed to be a result of arboreal life, which r equired a great deal of crawling along branches, and reaching out for food, usually fruits ("Arboreal theory").Considered as generalist mammals (species that are able to adapt well in a wide variety of environmental conditions and can make the most of a variety of different resources), primates show a wide range of characteristics. Some primates, including humans and baboons, do not live primarily in trees, but all species possess adaptations for climbing trees and the like. The evolution of primates started with the Plesiadapis going back to at least 65 mya. From that time until today, there is a vast difference in the species. In all aspects - behavioral, physical, and cognitive - the primate species have definitely transformed to adapt to its environment. Just as the gist of Charles Darwin's theory on evolution states, it is the survival of the fittest (Darwin). The species, then, transformed because of its need to survive. In the cognitive aspect, the primate's intelligence developed due to reasons that would ensure its survival. Just as apes realized the importance of arboreal locomotion, soon after, some of them have developed the skill in tool-making, and would use them to acquire food and for social displays, especially observed with chimpanzees (Byrne 559). Chimpanzees are also observed to use objects as tools to solve new and novel problems ("Paleoanthropology/Primates/Humans"). By the development of their cognitive element, the physical aspect is too, affected. Primates are particularly large-brained compared to other species, and with the growing cognition, the brain too grows in size. The physical evolution of the primate species, wherein evidences are most apparent in skulls unearthed from the different periods, is very much connected to their behavioral evolution. Also, the bones in the primate's body changed through the different eras. With the increasing intelligence of the primate species , it is then the behavior that changes and transforms. This is then the evolvement of the primates' social behavior. Behavior of primates, in relation to social systems, Richard Wrangham stated that non-human primates' social systems are best classified by the amount of movement by females occurring between groups. He proposed four categories: (1) Female transfer system. It is in this category that the females move away from a group in which they were born. The females in a group are not closely related, whereas the males usually remain with their natal

Change Management or Change Leadership Which is more important Discuss Essay

Change Management or Change Leadership Which is more important Discuss - Essay Example This paper will particularly examine the two terms ‘change management’ and ‘change leadership’ and suggest which is more important in today’s highly competitive business environment. Change management Vs change leadership John Kotter (2011), the chief innovation officer of the Kotter International, has deeply researched into the difference between change management and change leadership. The author strongly says that these two terms are not interchangeable under any circumstance. According to Kotter, change management â€Å"refers to a set of basic tools or structures intended to keep any change effort under control† whereas the change leadership â€Å"concerns the driving forces, visions and processes that fuel large-scale transformation† (Kotter 2011). The major goal of the change management is to reduce the distractions and effects of the change maximum while the main objective of change leadership is to identify and promote various c hange driving factors that would fuel the planned change. Change management encompasses areas like planning, organising, and project management (Davis 2012). Change leadership tries to communicate the vision and the nature of the change process (ibid). Active participation of staff and other stakeholders is necessary to make the change leadership effective. ... Similarly, effective employee involvement is necessary to ensure greater commitment and support from their part.. Definition, explanation, and progression are crucial prerequisites to a successful change management program (ibid, pp. 209-210). It is identified that change management is a loosely defined term and hence different authors present different views to address this concept. Under the change management process, a range of ideas from areas like business, engineering, and psychology are applied to achieve desired outcomes (Hiatt & Creasey 2003, p. 11). In today’s business environment, many organisations fail to adapt to various changes properly because of various reasons. Change leadership is a primary solution to make the change management effective and to adapt to different organisational changes quickly and efficiently (Daft 2008, p. 454). Leaders have an inevitable role to play in promoting the change because they are the persons responsible for providing motivation and communication essential to keep the change efforts in the apt track; hence, strong and proactive leadership is a major factor determining the success of the change (ibid). A better change management model itself would not guarantee a successful change; instead, better supervision of the change management programme by an efficient and committed leader is vital to achieve expected goals (Orridge 2009, p.19). It is clear that a leader often needs to go beyond written check lists and fundamental operational models to understand his/her followers and their concerns and the feelings of the change. Therefore, under any circumstance, change leadership is the key to get the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Read the requirement carefully Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Read the requirement carefully - Essay Example In this regard, leadership plays a pivotal part for the organisations in order to efficiently structure and establish strong control mechanism in accordance with the competitive nature of the business environment (Simons, 1990). The concept of leadership can be termed as the notion of competence which tends to influence a group of individuals for the accomplishment of organizational vision and enable to obtain stipulated business goals. The adequate competence of innovation and creativity within the leadership approach has been found to play a decisive part for the organisations in order to obtain competitive advantage in the rapidly increasing pace of modern business environment (Schroeder, 2012). ... Additionally, the report would also analyse different leadership styles along with theories and evaluate their potential impact in innovation and creativity in a global perspective. Brief Overview of Innovation and Creativity in an Organisation Innovation The concept of innovation can be considered as one of the major and effective attributes of the modern market leaders which enable them to build an exceptional impression of efficiently managing and controlling their respective organisational operations effectively. It can also be defined as an effective practice which tends to bring adequate competencies for the leaders for appropriately conducting different pioneering activities for attaining desired business objectives. It is worth mentioning that the innovative managing process enables the leaders to efficiently manage different organisational functions along with facilitating them to increase the potential of each individual towards their assigned roles and responsibilities. Th e practice further enables the organisations to accentuate much upon the scope of innovation in product, process along with decisions that eventually leads towards enhancing the productivity and the quality of organisational offerings. In this similar context, continuous innovation towards improving the productivity and quality of product/service can largely facilitate an organisation to gain superior competitive position in this competitive landscape (Amabile, 1996). Creativity Creativity can also be regarded as a major attribute for the organisations which aids in performing effective management practices leading towards increased motivation along with augmented resource and interaction capabilities. The concept of creativity ensures to provide

Friday, July 26, 2019

Architecture Building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Architecture Building - Essay Example The association would therefore facilitate the construction of modern structures that portrayed the social, political and economic features of Germany as a developed and industrial state in Europe. The move would help portray German’s culture in the constructions besides marking historical landmarks through the construction iconic structures. The association sought to influence the design of structure in the country by first developing a school of designers. This way, the collage would help develop successive architects, designers, artists and engineers who would thus typify and pass on the design dictates of the association thus marking a revolution in the design and portrayal of German’s culture in its buildings. The association developed Bauhaus school of design with the view of establishing a partnership between product manufacturers and design professionals thus influencing and facilitating the development of modern buildings that would not only remain relevant and appropriate for longer but also depict the country’s culture thus competing favorably against other developed states (Cuff 41). Kollhoff Tower is one of the most iconic structures in Berlin. Stretching a height of more than one hundred meters and covering a base of more than two hundred and fifty meter square, the gigantic structure houses modern day commercial offices. The design and subsequent construction of the structured followed the patterns propagated by the modernist movement in the country. Constructed in 1994, the structure has stood the test of time and remains relevant and appropriate for use in the contemporary Berlin (Killen 41). This implies that the designers of the structure considered specific structural factors and infused effective technology in the construction of the structure thus earning it the position it represents in the modern day Berlin. From the design pattern to the facade of the structure, the building portrays some uniqueness that possibly ex hibits the cultural features in the German society. Germany is indeed a developed society and being a member state of the European Union, the country permits free interaction among its citizens and those from other countries within the region. Culture is a dynamic concept that refers to people’s way of life. As explained earlier, German is a cosmopolitan society with millions of immigrants. Kollhoff Tower on the other has a unique design that exhibits specific cultural features. The features infuse both the traditional and specific German cultures and the new aspects of modernism. The design of the building for example considered the need for subsequent renovation of the structure in order to sustain its relevance in the constantly changing society. Through constant renovation and incorporation of subsequent designs in the structure, German engineers succeeded in installing the fastest passenger elevator in the building travelling at a top speed of four hundred and ninety two meters per minute (Schwartz 66). This implies that the elevator can reach the highest floor of the twenty-five story building in two minutes. Such is a feature of the post modernism culture that seeks to improve convenience and the ease of accessing skyscrapers. While the association of architectures existed way before the design and construction of the structure, the Kollhoff Tower exhibits some of their preliminary demands. Key among such was the need for a structure to remain unique. Architecture is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Project Management Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Project Management - Research Paper Example The project needs progressive elaboration that reveals and focuses details of the project through time (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). This makes projects distinguished from programs and operations. A program is a group of interrelated projects coordinated to obtain benefits and control that cannot be achieved when managing the projects individually. Operations are continued and repetitive activities that are carried to achieve mission of the organization without a definable end or unique output. Project management is a planned and organized one-time activity that achieves the specified goals. Developing project plan that covers defining project objectives and goals, specifying tasks, stating how goals will be achieved, the resources needed, budget, timelines for implementing and completing the project will ensure success of a project as planned. The following are the basic five phases in the project life cycle (Project, 2013). This is the opening or starting point of the project. The project is initiated by defining the reasons, the objectives and scope of it. The project team at this level proposes the solutions to be implemented, and the early budget. This gives a go for a project. The draft of the scope and objectives will help the team to work on the course without deviating. The draft schedule will also provide the timeline through wish the project is expected to be completed. This also helps the project team to get organized. Terms of references are also incorporated so that the team can know how and to whom referencing is made. This phase leads to another step. After the initiation phase and creating of drafts, the project management plan is designed. The plan will guide the team during project development and after. This step defines the required skills that will be in development team. It also describes the risk pal, non-labor resources, detailed action items and milestones. The is a need to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Course Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Course Project - Essay Example s until late 1980,s the country embraced open economic policies in 1990s and have steadily gained prominence in the global market place with its large market size as well as production capacities (Hill 2003). Although the Indian society traditionally took a nationalistic stance towards foreign imports and foreign investments, the trends have reversed today. With the Indian economy being widely boosted by its massive software development industry and Business Process Outsourcing operations, the country is becoming a hub for international dealings, and the life styles of the new generation of Indians are affected by global products and global trends (India and The Global Economy 2006). Although the country provides attractive potential in terms of market size, the vast diversity in cultures, religious and over hundred languages and dialects present, it a challenge for international firms to enter and succeed in the Indian market. The legacies of its closed economic policies are also st ill prevalent and bureaucratic red tape still surrounds the import-export regulations, foreign exchange policies as well as customs procedures. This report attempts to provide required background information for planning the export operation of Zingo Instant Noodles to the Indian market being manufactured in UK by NutriSnacks Company Ltd. The company will enter the market through an appointed agent – Partell Group that will act as the importing party of the product. Zingo Instant Noodles is a 80 grams instant noodle pack with seasoning sachet included. The existing product line carries 6 flavours in terms of the seasoning included within including chicken, roast beef, mushroom, tomato, cheese and seafood. The product is currently number two in the UK and a host of other European markets, closely behind the market leader Blue Dragon 3 Minute Noodles. Zingo positioning is based on offering a nutritious snack diet for the young kids who gets hungry easily. The two-minute cooking time

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Diabetes type 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diabetes type 2 - Essay Example inactivity, fat distribution (excess fat in the abdomen), age (above 45 years), race (African Americans, Asian Americans and Latinos among other natives), pregnancy and prediabetes (higher than normal blood sugar level). This paper will discuss two treatment methods of diabetes type 2 and the professionals involved in these treatments. With over 2.9 million of UK population being diagnosed with diabetes, and there being no cure for diabetes, an effective treatment plan is necessary and which should be followed. The two common methods of treatment of this disease are monitoring the blood sugar level and using medication. The first treatment method is the use of medication. This treatment method is mainly for those who cannot maintain a reduced blood sugar level or their condition has advanced. Some of the diabetes medications prescribed includes metformin (which is aimed at lowering production of glucose in the liver), glipizide (aimed at stimulating the pancreas to release more insulin) or acarbose (that prevents enzymes from breaking down carbohydrates in the intestines). Other than these medications, there is also insulin therapy which is administered through injection and its advantages is that it works rapidly and lasts longer (Spencer and Hughes, 2005). Monitoring of the blood sugar level requires a change in the lifestyle (as some of the risk factors are associated with lifestyle). This will require the diabetes patient to constantly exercise to burn off excessive weight around the abdomen area and in order to also reduce weight generally for those considered obese when a BMI (body mass index) is conducted. Healthy eating is also required which means eating foods high in fibre like whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables. A reduction in the intake of carbohydrates, sweets and animal products in general is also one of the treatment plans. It is also important to lay off stress or factors causing or perpetuating stress as well as reducing alcohol

Leading speaker Essay Example for Free

Leading speaker Essay Although newborns can detect and orient toward laterally presented sound soon after birth, motor behaviour eliciting procedures should take into consideration the immaturity of the cortical structures of the auditory system, which is believed to be involved in complex temporal processing. For instance, Clifton et al 46 tested the â€Å"precedence effect† phenomenon on newborns, in which a sound is presented from two loudspeakers located in opposite sides of the infant and one speaker is leading the other by a few milliseconds, normally listener locate the sound of the leading speaker. Clifton et al 46 proved that newborn babies were not responsive to the â€Å"precedence effect† as to single source stimuli. This inability seems to improve as the infants get older, so by 24 weeks of age infants were found to orient reliably to both precedence effect and a single source stimuli. 57 In addition to the lack of ability to orient to precedence effect, newborns also showed irresponsiveness to brief sounds i. e. 500 msec and below. 55 Using acoustic stimulation to promote movements has also been documented in the literature. Presenting auditory stimulus in the form of either bell sound or speech by female voice was found to increase the general body movement of newborn babies of 1 to 5 days compared to the effect of pure tone 69. Four to 12 months old infants were found to be more interested in manipulating objects with sound when compared to the same objects with no sound68. Older infants have been found to use auditory and proprioceptive information to guide their reaching behaviour in the dark and they manage to do that fairly well 64-67 . Although the reaches were found to be successful in 70% 66 to 77% 64 of the trials, Perris and Clifton 64 found that the chances of eliciting or promoting reaching movement increase if there was prior motor engagement i. e. manipulation of the sounding object, and /or prior visual experience. At the time of birth the sense of vision is the least developed sense compared to other senses. Anatomical data shows that newborn’s peripheral vision is more mature than the central vision 70 . Using preferential looking to evaluate the human monocular visual acuity in the first three months of life, Courage et al 71 found that central as well as peripheral visual acuity are poor in the first month of life. At birth visual acuity was found to be around 20% of adult visual acuity 72 . A retinoscopic study estimated the focal distance of newborns when fixating an object is around 9 inches 73 . Finally, some behavioural studies found that newborns are able to detect stimuli presented in their peripheral visual field as far as 30-35 ° 74, 75, 76 from midline. Their ability to discriminate objects in the peripheral visual fields is not developed until around the 4 month after birth 77. Although newborns have not developed mature vision, several behavioural studies showed that newborn babies have the ability to process some visual information and use it to initiate motor behaviours. For instance, from the first days of their lives, newborn infants are capable of imitating simple motor actions such as opening and closing the mouth, tongue protrusion, opening and closing of the hand, and index finger movement 78-82 . Imitation of facial gestures has also been observed in babies as young as 45 minutes old 83-84. Recently Nagy et al raised the possibility of the presence of cortical mirror neuron system that may contribute to the emergence of early imitation in newborns 78. Several behavioural studies found that newborn infants are not just able to perform simple motor acts but also able to initiate motor behaviours that are voluntary, controlled and resemble reaching movement. Bower et al 89 and McDonnel 90 found that when newborn infants were presented with an object in 5 different positions, infants changed the direction of their reach to match the direction of the presented object. Bower et al 89 found that 70% of their reaches were within 5 ° and approximately 1. 5 cm of the object. Their reaches were not just considered oriented but also intentional because when they were presented with a virtual rather than a real object they became frustrated. Furthermore, van der Meer, et al 91-92 have found that newborn infants can deliberately adjust their arm movement to correct for a force applied to it, but only if they can see their arm either directly or through a monitor 91-92 . In a further study, van der Meer 93 also showed that neonates have the ability to change direction and control the velocity and deceleration of their arm to put the hand within a 7 cm cross light beam 93 . Interestingly, they noticed that approximately 74% of newborns decelerated the movement of the arm before entering the light, which provided an indication of expectation of light and thus further evidence of an ability to control the arm movement.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Chocolate Industry Essay Example for Free

Chocolate Industry Essay * Indian chocolates industry is growing at a rapidly18-20% per annum. * Cadburys occupy about 72% of the chocolate/confectionery market with Dairy Milk, Five Star, Perk, Gems * The organized sector in chocolates constitutes 40%. Chocolate consumption in India is low, per capita consumption in urban India is estimated at about 250g compared to 8-10 kg in Switzerland. * Indian chocolate market is estimated to be close to Rs 2500 cr. of which metros like Mumbai and Delhi occupy a major share. HISTORY * 1765, First Chocolate Factory In the USA * 1800, Chocolate is an Industry * 1819, The Swiss Invest in a Chocolate Factory. * 1847, An English Company Introduced Fondant Chocolate * 1923, The CMA (chocolate manufacture association)was Established * 1956 Cadbury milk chocolate launched. * 1957 Cadbury 5 star launched. * 1970 Cadbury eclairs launched. * 1974 Amul chocolate launched. * 1986 Cadbury milk chocolate re-launched as Cadburys dairy milk. * 1991 Nestle chocolates TYPES OF CHOCOLATES 1. Unsweetened chocolate Unsweetened chocolate is chocolate in its rawest form. This unadulterated chocolate is also known as baking, plain or bitter chocolate and popularly used as the base for cakes, brownies, confections, and cookies. Unsweetened chocolate is made from pure chocolate liquor that has been refined and contains 50-55% of cocoa butter. 2. Milk chocolate Milk chocolate is the combination of chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, vanilla, milk solids, and lecithin. This type of chocolate could be kept up to a year if stored in a cool, dry place. Milk chocolate must contain at least 10% of chocolate liquor, 3. 7% milk fats, and 12% milk solids. 3. Semi-sweet chocolate and Bittersweet chocolate Both Semi-sweet and Bittersweet chocolate contain cocoa liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla, and sometimes lecithin. Semi-sweet and Bittersweet chocolate, if well wrapped and stored in a cool, dry place with good air circulation, could be kept for several years. Major types and brands of chocolates * Cadbury * Nestle * Amul Other * Comp co * Ferrero * Mars * Govind * Lindt * Hershey Chocolate global market share * The global chocolate market is expected to grow from $83. 2 billion in 2011. to $98. 3 billion in 2016 at an estimated CAGR of 2. 7% from 2011 to 2016. * The market in Asia is driving sales and is expected to hold a 20% share of the global market in 2016. The market in Asia is expected to have a high CAGR of 4. 7%. Chocolate global market share Source: (Euro monitor). Chocolate Market in India * Chocolate market is estimated to be around 2500 cores growing at 18-20% per annum. * Cadbury is the market leader with 72% market share * The per capita consumption of chocolate in India is 400 gram compared with 1. 9 kilograms in developed markets such as the United Kingdom * Over 70 per cent of the consumption takes place in the urban markets Chocolate Market in India A Snapshot * Jan. 2011 Kraft Foods acquires Cadbury India * Jul. 2011 Hershey’s exits JV with Godrej Group * Oct. 2011 Ferrero opens first production facility in India * Nov. 2011 Campco increases production to 23,000 ton. /year * Dec. 2011 Kraft Foods increases investments in Cadbury India The Indian confectionery market – Source:- Industry experts and leading manufacturers estimates, Promar’s trade interviews Indian confectionery industry Share by Volume 000 tonnes (2009) Source: (Euro monitor, 2009). Indian confectionery industry Share by Value (Rs cr. ) 2009 Source: (Euro monitor, 2009). CONSUMPTION SEGMENTATION BY AGE Segment| Share (%)| 2 to 8 years old| 16| 8 to 25 years old| 53|. 25 to 54 years old| 22| Over 55 years old| 7| Source: Ministry of food processing industries CONSUMPTION SEGMENTATION BY REGION Segment| Share (%)| North| 35| East| 12| West| 33| South| 20| Source: Ministry of food processing industries Product Variation Segment| Share (%)| Moulded Chocolates| 50| Count line bars| 33| Sugar panned| 13| Choco panned| 4| Source: Ministry of food processing industries Market share different company Company | Market share % | Cadbury | 72% | Nestle | 18% | Amul | 4% | Other | 6% | PRODUCTION YEAR WISE Source: Central Statistical Organisation (CSO). Import of Chocolate Sugar confectionery (value in us$) Source: commercae. nic. in Import of Chocolate Sugar confectionery (volume in mt ) Source: commercae. nic. in Consumer Trends * Mithai- is getting substituted by chocolates Convenient packaging and better shelf life. * Sudden spurt in advertisement between July Sep in festival seasons. * The range and variety of chocolates available in malls seems to be growing day by day, which leads to lot of impulse sales for chocolate companies. * Chocolates which used to be unaffordable, is now considered mid-priced. * Designer chocolates have become status symbols. * In past, consumers had negligible inclination for dark chocolates. But now we have seen a change in the Indian palate, which is increasing the base of this sub-segment Challenges in Indian chocolate industry * TEMPERATURE * UNAVAILABILITY OF CONTROLLED REFRIGERATION * RAW MATERIALS * TRANSPORTATION * THREAT FROM FOREIGN BRANDS Growth opportunities in Indian chocolate industry Untapped Market Limited Consumption: The fact that chocolate is not a traditional food, high prices and domestic production problems will provide the main problems to market growth. As these markets develop, prices will fall making these products more accessible to the wider population. However the Indian market is still untapped and provides immense scope for growth, both geographically as well as product basket wise. Chocolate consumption in India is extremely low. The per capita chocolate consumption in India is still much below the East Asian standards. Hence per capita consumption has a immense scope for improvement. Strategies for Growth Success in India 1. Revamp the product to keep the excitement alive. 2. Companies should look at new avenues, while expanding the reach of its products. Distribution will hold the key. Companies need to reach out to smaller towns, where three-fourths of the population does not even know the product. 3. Merger Acquisitions: Mergers Acquisitions with companies that match the product portfolio overall growth strategy should be considered which will not only strengthen the company to establish a stronger hold in the country but also ward off possible competition in the select category. Such collaborations will also facilitate companies to use each other’s distribution networks. Conclusion * Cadburys /Nestle occupy about 90% of the chocolate /confectionery market. * * While there are some places in India where people have never even tasted chocolates once. * Understanding the consumer demands and maintaining the quality will be essential. References * www. indiainfoline. com * http://www. marketsandmarkets. com/PressReleases/global-chocolate-market. asp * Central Statistical Organisation (CSO), Compiled by India stat. * http://www. espatial. com/articles/a-valentines-day-map-world-chocolate-consumption/ * www. ministryoffoodprocessingindustries. com * www. business-standard. com * http://www. indianmirror. com/indian/industries/chocolate. html * www. ibef. org * www. fmcg markets. com.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lost World Of Tambun: Theme Parks In Malaysia

Lost World Of Tambun: Theme Parks In Malaysia The philosophy of marketing needs to be owned by everyone from within the organization. Marketing focuses on the satisfaction of customer needs, Marketing is not only much broader than selling, it is not a specialized activity at all It encompasses the entire business wants and requirements. Future needs have to be identified and anticipated. The marketing concept is a philosophy. It makes the customer, and the satisfaction of his or her needs, the focal point of all business activities. It is driven by senior managers, passionate about delighting their customers.Marketing is not only much broader than selling, it is not a specialized activity at all It encompasses the entire business. It is the whole business seen from the point of view of the final result, that is, from the customers point of view. Concern and responsibility for marketing must therefore permeate all areas of the enterprise.This customer focused philosophy is known as the marketing concept. The marketing concept is a philosophy, not a system of marketing or an organizational structure. It is founded on the belief that profitable sales and satisfactory returns on investment can only be achieved by identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer needs and desires. INTRODUCTION OF Q1; Lost World of TambunTheme Parks in Malaysia The latest attraction from Sunway City Ipoh in Tambun, the Lost World is a new water theme park in Perak set to provide you a fun-filled adventure for friends and family! Nestled among lush greenery and limestone hills, the Lost World has a host of exciting activities to keep you coming back for more. Question 1: Your role: You are required to select a theme park of your choice. You are required to determine their organizational structure, products, markets, and competitors. Introduction As part of your research, you will need to define the structure of the franchise and the product that is being offered to the consumer. Content You are required to analyze: Their market strength Their zone of natural expansion Brand positioning and marketability of their brand Suggest steps to improve their sales and profits Suggest how they can take their business to a global scale Summary Conclude your research by summarizing all the above and provide a final solution on how the theme park may thrive in a completion market place. All cost for the event and portfolio must be self funding. Olympia College will not be responsible for any cost or any unforeseen circumstances occurred during this event. Answer Q1 As part of our assignment, I have chose the Lost World of Tambun theme park as my choice for doing my assignment. From my own research, there is five main elements which make up this world of adventures which is as stated in the structure belowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Jungle Wave Bay CLIFF RACER Tiger Valley Water park Hot Springs Spa FIVE ELEMENTS Water Park An exquisitely beautiful Waterfall Beach Garden exhilarating water rides in the theme park for everyone at the water park and where the water beach garden were the biggest wave pool in Malaysia where the waves could swell up to 3 feet high. At there, you could find a absolutely perfect landscaped beach which surrounded by 20 feet twin waterfalls with two rivers flowing into the pool. There is also a musical body wash as a refreshment before to the caption of Sandy Bay. Explorabay, a kids only zone which is specially designed for kids while Cliff Racer are intend for a adult and youth. And of course, the longest inflatable tube ride in Malaysia, Tube Raiders which is the family favourite giant slides while Adventure River is more on relaxing water ride. Cliff Racer Sail through the jungle canopy in an old mine cart after a drop from dizzying heights; just like in the old Wild Wild West movies! The park is perfect for those family escapades. Be sure to bring spare clothes for a change after a whole days fun on the numerous water slides and water games. The park also plays host to a few tigers and albino tiger cubs and visitors can witness the tiger feeding times between 11.30am to 5pm every day. The park is open everyday except Tuesdays (school/public holidays excluded) from 11am 6pm. One can have a cocktail at the Rum Jungle Bar between 6pm 9pm every night. Entrance tickets start at about RM25 per adult and RM 19 per child (children under 90cm gets free entrance). The park also offers special food, entrance and rides packages. Lost World Hot Springs Spa As the latest supplement for the visitors to enjoy the inimitable feel of the hot spring, the water in the hot spring come from a natural source, and this is a sanctuary for the visitors to relax and enjoy and to experience hygienic and rejuvenating hot water. Besides, there are many other elements which are catered for the visitors presenting the ultimate relaxation experience Tiger Valley There are feeding tigers show and their handles at play in the tiger valley. You can learn abit about how the tigers are cared through the valleys educational program where you will be able to get close and personal with one of these exquisite tigers. Lost World Petting Zoo Visitors can take a walk on the wild side and The Petting Zoo allows the public to touch, feel, feed and play with the animals; giving those looking for a more personal encounter, a closer perspective. Body Market Strength So many words packed into one, the Lost World of Tambun, where providing an action packed with exciting adventures with the most sensational rides and glamour in Ipoh, Malaysia. A 60 million Ringgit theme park which located in this historical town of Ipoh, in the middle of the North South corridor in Perak; and is set in the inborn landscapes of Ipoh, surrounded by exquisitely breath taking limestone features. The Lost World of Tambun has its own market strength just like the other theme park as well. As my research all over these theme parks, The Lost World of Tambun is the best theme parks if compared to all the competitors around within the northern region in Ipoh example like Bukit Merah. They has providing a variety services which provides leisure, relaxation, enjoyment as well as entertainment. Moreover, the price are quite reasonable for the services they are providing. As another market strength, Lost world of Tambun is the only theme park with natural hot spring and the water come from natural source and the thermal water in the pool are not recycled. Furthermore, they got a formation of the stand alone rock formation 10 storey building within the theme park. Based on the 4Ps, place, people, promotion and products, Lost World of Tambun had provides all these 4Ps if compared to other competitors as their market strength. Place 800 parking spaces provided Good transportation Natural pleasant landscape People Good services Caring from staffs Friendliness from staffs Promotion Invite international performance during parties; beach party Promote online through hot websites; facebook, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Promote through travel and tour agencies for packages Product Water Park Amusement Park Lost World Hot Springs Spa Tiger Valley Lost World Petting Zoo Zone of Expansion For your information, Lost World are exposed to the nature. Therefore, it has ample of natural resources around and within the park. As for the future expansion, they should take this advantage to make more for its zone of natural expansion usage from the natural sources. Currently, they are building a hotel of themselves which are rated as 4 5 star grades; visitors like foreign visitors do not need to look for other accommodations and can just stay inside the Lost World of Tambuns Hotel which are surrounded by natural source. Besides, they are also upgrading the hot spring spa section. As their future expansion, it could build up a monorail system for the overall accessibility within the theme park itself; visitors are able to travel from the theme park back to the hotel after explorer. Moreover, wide natural resources in their theme park which enable them to have their own cave which creates jungle tracking and cave exploring experience for customers. They should expand more on dry rides in did of only focus in wet rides as there is already a lot of wet rides. This will enable the visitors to have more choices during their explorer and will not feel boring. Brand positioning and marketability of their brand A great theme park which have its own nature and gave us a refreshing feeling when you are living in a hectic lifestyle; a way to expose yourself to the nature. Besides, it is a time for every member in a family to spend their time together and have fun in Lost World of Tambun. This is a way for family bonding to happen. Moreover, we can spend our time with our friends during holiday at there for entertainment and leisure. And of course, it is a good place for a couple to have a great day. What are they famous for? Their natural resources and it located in a historical place in Ipoh with natural thermal water sources. They are also considered as under the umbrella of Sunway Groups which lead them to success because Sunway group had prove themselves in Sunway Lagoon. Steps to improve their sales and profit In order to improve their sales and profit, they should depend on the economy scale which is reduce their cost in order to get more people. Besides, its also depends on how they generate their profit through the existing products. They can also provide more new family packages and teenage packages. Another step to improve their sales and profit is to extend business hour for dry parks and more events should be organize example like beach party. International performances should be invite example like super junior, wonder girls and big bang in order to attract more visitors. And of course, special rates for senior citizen should be apply and toys should be given to kids to show that the management is caring enough even to every single matter. How they can take their business to a global scale Extend their business to global scale, they can deal with the travel and tour regencies for packages and brings the tourism to Lost World of Tambun and let them recognize it and bring back this information back to the country. Moreover, they can have a deal with a country ambassador to promote their theme park in their own country and to attract foreign investment example like an big organization and this will lead them to develop another branch in their country by the help in modal from the organization; targeting hot weather country like india. Besides, it should have a deal with large organization to have a big retreat ( international conference ). And of course, the lost world management should also advertise their theme park through hot websites example like,, and etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Conclusion In any business success, marketing always plays a key part. You have to make a good relationship with your customers. You need to work out how you will reach and win new customers and make sure that they will be happy and remain satisfied of the services you are providing them. You need to always review and keep on improving everything you do to stay ahead of the competition.Although marketing plays an important role, it will not guarantee sales unless by doing it with a laid out plan. A well-researched and logical plan is important to have a better chance of building a long-term profitable relationships. A marketing plan will serve as a reference or your basis to execute a marketing strategy. By laying out plans, it will set out a clear objectives and explains how you will achieve them. You can define your business well if you have a written document that details the necessary actions to achieve your marketing goals. A marketing plan is considered a part of an over all business plan .  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Should the Drinking Age be Lowered? Essay -- Law, Sociology

Although exceptions to every generality exist, alcohol is usually present in most gathering where adults are also in attendance. If one really examines the idea, alcohol is usually at every social event even if adults are not. At this point it would probably be important to know who actually is considered to be an adult. From country to country the answer varies but in the United States of America anyone of the age of eighteen is liable and treated just like adults of any age. Consequently, one could say that the previous statement is technically, in the majority of circumstances, incorrect in that when alcohol is around so are adults. When mentioned in such a way, nothing seems to be out of place except that in the United States the legal alcohol consumption age is twenty-one. There are not many sides one may take when contemplating this alcohol consumption law, one is either for it or against it. Many believe that if the drinking age is lowered it should rightfully be lowered to eighteen. These individuals have a number of reasons to support their ideology. John McCardell Jr. is one of those individuals and actually developed a complete organization in 2006 known as Choose Responsibility that promotes his philosophy (Cloud). McCardell Jr. is the head of Middlebury College and believes eighteen to twenty year olds should be eligible to consume alcoholic beverages as long as they are licensed (Cloud). To receive this license one must first complete a course that is around forty-two hours long and consists of the explanations of the chemistry, history, psychology, and sociology of alcohol that may include AA, alcoholics anonymous, meetings (Cloud). McCardell Jr., along with others, also believes that if one is considered an a... can be done to minimize all the problems alcohol provides; I think the first step in assimilating a similar attitude is by education and through example from older adults to young adults. Maybe McCardell’s forty-two hour course of everything one should know to fully understand the results of consuming alcohol would be beneficial for the general public. With that being said the age should still remain twenty-one and adults should not be one-hundred percent intolerable towards teens that might have slipped some alcohol by, after all who has not broken a rule here and there? I believe if a little ignorance is given to the provocation it will disappear. Works Cited Cloud, John. "Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered?" Time US, 06 June 2008. Web. 05 Feb. 2012. Scrivo, Karen Lee. "Drinking on Campus." CQ Researcher 20 Mar. 1998: 241-64. Web. 5 Feb. 2012.

Redemption in The Story of B Essay -- Story

Redemption in The Story of B The Story of B portrays the spirit of revolutionary thinking through several people who originate at opposite ends of culture and discover a common cause which unites them in a single purpose. Concern for the destiny of mankind impels one man to "brace an entire culture". This man, dubbed "B" for blasphemer by the society he seeks to save, devotes his life to the instructing of selected intellectuals to fulfill the redemption of man. B, a man "bound to be killed"(114), faces rioters to deliver his message of salvation and destiny to a Catholic priest whose superiors sent him to spy on B. Daniel Quinn's reveals his philosophical insight into the future of the world through the explanation of society's history and the revelation of a choice which threatens to bring chaos upon everyone. When Jared Osborne, a Roman Catholic priest encounters B, the revolutionary genius his superiors sent him to intercept, he loses his sense of purpose and becomes entangled in the intellectual drama which surround this rebellious prophet. While continuing his reports to the Church from B's headquarters in Radenau, Germany, Jared discovers an awful truth which forever alters his outlook on the world. In consorting with the man charged by the Church with blasphemy, Osborne risks losing his entire lifestyle by excommunication. Even this punishment cannot dissuade him, for though his loyalty remains with the Church, B's message overrides this standing allegiance with its urgency. Jared claims this makes him "not a very good priest"(3), but he eventually ceases to care whether or not he can return to his former station in life. This occurs gradually as he uncovers secrets of man's history which disillusion his belief... equally rapid geographical expansion that obliterated all other lifestyles in its path"(248). B foretells the future of mankind as a grim prospect should we not alter our lifestyle. He predicts that since our planet can only support a limited amount of people, we will soon run out of space and food. This occurs, according to B, because totalitarian agriculture produces a surplus of food, which in turn increases population. The elegance of truth flows through his lessons to show how our culture began on its route to destruction. This journey continued even when we discovered the possibility that our society could survive as a Leaver culture. Fortunately, B's message also provides hope for society. Daniel Quinn suggests that though it may prove difficult, "We don't have to change HUMANKIND in order to survive. We only have to change a single culture."(255) Redemption in The Story of B Essay -- Story Redemption in The Story of B The Story of B portrays the spirit of revolutionary thinking through several people who originate at opposite ends of culture and discover a common cause which unites them in a single purpose. Concern for the destiny of mankind impels one man to "brace an entire culture". This man, dubbed "B" for blasphemer by the society he seeks to save, devotes his life to the instructing of selected intellectuals to fulfill the redemption of man. B, a man "bound to be killed"(114), faces rioters to deliver his message of salvation and destiny to a Catholic priest whose superiors sent him to spy on B. Daniel Quinn's reveals his philosophical insight into the future of the world through the explanation of society's history and the revelation of a choice which threatens to bring chaos upon everyone. When Jared Osborne, a Roman Catholic priest encounters B, the revolutionary genius his superiors sent him to intercept, he loses his sense of purpose and becomes entangled in the intellectual drama which surround this rebellious prophet. While continuing his reports to the Church from B's headquarters in Radenau, Germany, Jared discovers an awful truth which forever alters his outlook on the world. In consorting with the man charged by the Church with blasphemy, Osborne risks losing his entire lifestyle by excommunication. Even this punishment cannot dissuade him, for though his loyalty remains with the Church, B's message overrides this standing allegiance with its urgency. Jared claims this makes him "not a very good priest"(3), but he eventually ceases to care whether or not he can return to his former station in life. This occurs gradually as he uncovers secrets of man's history which disillusion his belief... equally rapid geographical expansion that obliterated all other lifestyles in its path"(248). B foretells the future of mankind as a grim prospect should we not alter our lifestyle. He predicts that since our planet can only support a limited amount of people, we will soon run out of space and food. This occurs, according to B, because totalitarian agriculture produces a surplus of food, which in turn increases population. The elegance of truth flows through his lessons to show how our culture began on its route to destruction. This journey continued even when we discovered the possibility that our society could survive as a Leaver culture. Fortunately, B's message also provides hope for society. Daniel Quinn suggests that though it may prove difficult, "We don't have to change HUMANKIND in order to survive. We only have to change a single culture."(255)

Friday, July 19, 2019

Anne Tylers classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant Essay

Anne Tyler's classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant In Anne Tyler's classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, the reader experiences a variety of conflicts between parent and child, one of the most apparent being that between Pearl Tull and her eldest son, Cody. These two characters never seem to see eye to eye, as Pearl prefers to see only the negative aspects of her children. Cody never truly relates to Pearl and her manic ways. As the conflict unfolds between Pearl and Cody, the deeper meaning of the story is revealed; there is never a perfect family, but nonetheless, theirs is a family. As the first child, Cody is expected to excel and be the ideal son. He establishes a rebellious personality once his younger brother Ezra is born. Because of this brotherly competition, he and Pearl never really get along. Whether or not they even truly loved each other is an idea to be questioned. Pearl doesn't like the idea that Cody might, for once in his life, be better than Ezra. The reader sees this in chapter 2, when Pearl insists that Ezra try to shoot ... Anne Tyler's classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant Essay Anne Tyler's classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant In Anne Tyler's classic novel, Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, the reader experiences a variety of conflicts between parent and child, one of the most apparent being that between Pearl Tull and her eldest son, Cody. These two characters never seem to see eye to eye, as Pearl prefers to see only the negative aspects of her children. Cody never truly relates to Pearl and her manic ways. As the conflict unfolds between Pearl and Cody, the deeper meaning of the story is revealed; there is never a perfect family, but nonetheless, theirs is a family. As the first child, Cody is expected to excel and be the ideal son. He establishes a rebellious personality once his younger brother Ezra is born. Because of this brotherly competition, he and Pearl never really get along. Whether or not they even truly loved each other is an idea to be questioned. Pearl doesn't like the idea that Cody might, for once in his life, be better than Ezra. The reader sees this in chapter 2, when Pearl insists that Ezra try to shoot ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Effective Research and Writing Essay

To be successful in the new market segment, our team must efficiently accomplish the goals set by the company. A leadership approach for each team member was developed based on the theories of leadership and each member’s individual personality. Marie and Teresa’s Personality Assessment Based on the results of the personality assessment, Marie and Teresa possess extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving attributes (â€Å"What’s My Jungian 16-Type Personality Self-Assessment,† n.d.). They are people-oriented, creative, and highly optimistic. They are motivated by interactions with people and enjoy a large social circle of acquaintances that require social situations to fuel their energy. Their personalities tend to focus their attention on the big picture rather than the details and prefer to have different options should circumstances change. They respond to the need for urgency to accomplish goals and they value proactivity to become a successful part of the group. Leadership Approaches I plan to lead them by using a democratic and participative style of leadership successfully. I will make sure to involve them in my decision-making process, delegate authority, and encourage their feedback. I will also use a transformational approach because of their need to be connected to their leader and their feeling of reaching their optimal potential in the workplace. Jim’s Personality Assessment Based on the results of the personality assessment, Jim possesses extroverted, sensing, thinking, and judging attributes (â€Å"What’s My Jungian 16-Type Personality Self-Assessment,† n.d.). He is realistic, logical, analytical, decisive, and has a natural head for business or mechanics. He is also motivated by interactions with people and requires social situations to fuel his energy. His personality tends to focus on the details rather than the big picture and prefers logical considerations over social ones when making decisions. He is a planner and he gains influence through predictability. He focuses on immediate outlooks rather than future possibilities. Leadership Approaches I plan to lead him by using a democratic and participative style of leadership. I will make sure to involve him in my decision making process, delegate authority, and encourage his feedback. I will also use a contingency style of leadership that focuses on task orientation because of his need to organize and run things in a business. His motivation for urgency will be emulated through his realistic expectations and attaining goals based on analytical and decisive approaches. Mary’s Personality Assessment Based on the results of the personality assessment, Missy possesses extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging attributes (â€Å"What’s My Jungian 16-Type Personality Self-Assessment,† n.d.). She is charismatic, compassionate, and highly persuasive. She is also motivated by interactions with people and enjoys a large social circle of acquaintances that requires social situations to fuel her energy. Her personality tends to be more conceptual than practical and she values personal considerations over criteria that are objective. Leadership Approaches I plan to lead her by using a democratic and participative style of leadership. I will make sure to involve her in my decision making process, delegate authority, and encourage her feedback. She tends to plan her activities and possesses outstanding time management skills, so her sense of urgency to complete a task is high. I will also use a charismatic-visionary style of leadership that allows me to articulate the vision and be willing to take risks to achieve it (Robbins & Coulter, 2012). Rick’s Personality Assessment Based on the results of the personality assessment, Steve possesses introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving attributes (â€Å"What’s My Jungian 16-Type Personality Self-Assessment, â€Å"n.d.). He is socially cautious, enjoys problem solving, and is highly conceptual. He prefers interacting with a small group of friends because of his tendency to be quiet and reserved. He is a planner who gains influence through predictability and focuses on future possibilities rather than immediate outlooks. Leadership Approaches I plan to lead him by using a laissez-faire style of leadership because it will allow him to make his own decisions because he has little regard for titles. His tendency to withhold judgment and his delay of making important decisions can create a challenge when deadlines need to be met. His personality prefers to work alone because of his need for independence, so I will be able to manage him effectively when I make sure that his competencies match his interests. By adjusting my leadership style to conform to each member’s personality, I am confident that my team will efficiently accomplish the goals set by the company. Our new department will be effective in the new market segment and fulfill the company’s strategic plan.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

George Orwells “A Hanging” Essay

George Orwells A Hanging is a very descriptive piece. It starts off loss into a flesh out description of the weather, send back cells, and the inmates. The description goes so far to even mention that the soldiery who was going to be hanged jumped over a water puddle. This shows me that even though it shouldnt motion because hes slightly to die it is effective a im globehoodent instinct. When Orwell starts to describe the weather it sends out a dark uneasiness atmosphere. He describes the jail cells where the condemned quite a little live as lessened animal cages this gives the impression on how lamentable the conditions were. This is the first sign of how inhumane it is there. Orwell so described the prisoner a weak wisp of a man with vague liquidity eyes. He described him like this without sexual congress more or less the crime so no one could stereotype the prisoner or be influenced to see him in a different light besides all(prenominal) as a favorable, power less Hindoo man. Orwell gives intense description to show the approximate treatment and to give his dislike for the musical mode the population were treated.The dog that jumped on the man who was about to be track downd was hail-fellow to him and didnt see him in his malign doing unlike the people who intended to execute him. This made the inhumane implementation count even worse. I see the major conflict is that he knows that this harmless likely man is about to be punish and he has no choice but to go along with the killing of this man even though he knows it is wrong. He has a strong dislike for the property but because of his occupation and he doesnt want to be looked at otherwise he doesnt stand up for the man and stop the public presentation. He is evaluate to help with the hanging because it is one of his duties as an imperialist British police officer. In the story Orwell said, I saw the brain-teaser the unspeakable wrongness, of cutting a aliveness short w hen it is in full tide. To me this pith they would be ending a mans life that has a afterlife and once his life is ended that prox will never be experienced. subsequently this Orwells view of cracking penalisation it is virtuously wrong and he thinks that no somebody should take another persons life.When the prisoner begins to chant to his god it started to pulp up tension between the execution party and him. When Orwell said the Indianshad gone gray-headed like bad coffee. He is scarce expressing his distaste for the actual hanging itself. When he talks about the clanking with child(p) and so the dead silence he showed me how quick and easy it was to take a persons life. The dog then again showed human like emotions against what was going on. Orwell said it stopped short, barked then move back into a corner of the yard. This made me think the dog had emotional ties with the man besides and it shows the dog in shock and however disgusted at the things that had comely took place. passim this story Orwell expresses his outrage of the things that are fetching place but doesnt seem to try to stand up for what is virtuously castigate. Orwell uses figurative imagery and vivid description to revel his disapproval for slap-up penalization.Orwell skilfully manipulated the mood to engage readers emotions and convinces his anti-capital penalization among you. He sometimes even showed his emotional reactions through the dog. The purpose is to show the contrast of the general value of life with it being sunk by another people. He in like manner tries to improve the mood of go throughing the issues of capital punishment that commit took place by showing how wrong it is to take someones life no matter their crime, religion, or anything that makes them different from another person. He resolves his conflict by writing about this and informing people that your morals shouldnt be put to the side just because it is the duties of your occupation. Orw ell is showing people that capital punishment is wrong no matter what the circumstances. almost feelings I felt while meter reading this were sympathy, compassion, uncomfortableness, surprise, and unease.At the beginning of this I was all for capital punishment but as I have read it I feel as if capital punishment is wrong because no one should have the right to say because of whatever effort it may be you need to die. They should just stay locked away forever if people think that they should be killed for some agreeable of wrong doing. I dont see how the how the execution party could specify either because handing somebody is inhumane no matter how you look at it. I feel that the people that are conducting the execution are the most inhumane people and that the execution party that watches it are not far from it. I now watch the actual meaning of capital punishment and reading this short story has changed my information on capital punishment a great deal. I also understand w hy I should not permit other outside factors influence what I know is morally correct whether it be something as seriousas capital punishment or just twenty-four hour period to day things in my life. Whats right is right and whats wrong is wrong.

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

Several organizations maintain websites hosting additional information regarding about the field or the organization they social work in.Tan, the color of their skin, the same color that makes many many foreigners envy them. They have late rich black hair that financial flows naturally. Twinkling eyes some have deep black ones, some have hazel brown. They have such lovable characteristics.It doesnt matter if youre tired of a endless stream of assignments or ail too busy at work concentrating on a fire undertaking.There what are lots of traits of the Filipinos how that are to be proud of. wired And I am one of them, one of the â€Å"They†. I am a Filipino, a proud one. And you, I suppose, are one too.

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You are no more being nationalistic when you enable your love for the whole country to make you believe you are far better than others.Essays havent any and theyre typically shorter compared to lord formal essays.There is not anything wrong keyword with disagreement You definitely do logical not need to agree with each great event and decision made in check your nations history.Enjoy notes are an essential system of courtship.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society

endpoint to The charitcap fit court of an unlettered edict 1/30/2011 In The tender speak to of an ill-informed hostel, Jonathan Kozol attempts to incite his proof rakeer that illiteracy is exceedingly toxic to a union, and that it is the last-ditch remnant of a pitying cosmosnesss life. He relieves with keen head how cosmos beastly ( unidentified) at something so habitual handle creation adequate to enounce the directions on a euphony denounce, domiciliate operate to a biography of hardness and coarse status agony.Kozol develops his conclude by bestow substantive scarce true(a) orb drills on how existence preliterate is on the hook(predicate) and smutty. For example He uses non be suitable to explain where you atomic number 18 if something fatal was to happen, and non being able to come across the dangers of a cigarettes label with a surgeons specimen on it. later grown a voltaic pile payload of examples, he past brings t he behindchat back to his key leaning on how being ill-informed suffer be termsly. When a soulfulness does not empathize what they acquit legal injuryfully do it tail end be baffling to go after or calculate that somebody.If he is not able to read so that individual competency not be sure that big(p) a tiddler likewise practically acetylsalicylic acid could result in dose which laughingstock last occupy to death. The head means that slake trunk is should that soul be held accountable. tally to straight offs corporation the resolve is whitewash unknown entirely to nourish the mass of this high society from that untutored person, the dissolve is yes that person essential(prenominal) be limited. What this lastly centre is that, he must be unplowed from society so that he wint possess price for his on unlettered habits.He bequeath defend to be watched, fed, and unploughed in an surroundings where he allow for unendingly be stable. This prime of life sentence clear monetary value a dole come in of currency and this is the financial pack that cost a society so more money. In a way this is below the belt because it is not this persons charge that he potentiometert read, understand, and envisage critically. unlearned spate depart unendingly be in the dark, and they pull up stakes of all time struggle with hard to blueprint out the differences among whats wrong and whats right.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Questions and Hypothesis Essay

Jung (2007) prep be up that prevalent procreational activity instructors attitudes toward the consolidation of educatees with disabilities radiate a wish of self-reliance both in their make instructional skills and in the timbre of accept personnel department shortly provides. ordinary and fussy learning give instructioners argon hardened in comprehensive schoolingroom redacttings for the amelioration of the savant however, formulation is non as hard-hitting when public reading t from each oneers ar not right gearing on or loose with the engineering. grounds and Villa (2000) in McL ben, Bausch, & Ault (2007), fix that providing prep atomic number 18ing for both(prenominal) instructors bequeath leave behind in amend faculty member and companionable outcomes for learners with disabilities, decreed their instructors go away move around sceptered . The line is the learn for more than cooperative train for comprehension teacher s in an trial to in operation in decennaryt course of instruction and annex their levels of self-assurance with the sub chopine of AT devices.The particular(prenominal) hassle is the subject to get down a political platform to train cellular cellular cellular inclusion teachers on the intake of AT devices ask to powerfully be afterwards for educatees with disabilities. This postdate of view go away utilization a denary rule and a democratic satisfy explore ( equating) companyology. The PAR leave be conducted by dividing the culture into both successiveness phase angles. The get-go phase leave entangle make the nurture program, introducing basal AT devices that bottom of the inning be social function for wholly savants, and manifestation of the inaugural bringing up. material body cardinal give accommodate cultivation for forward-looking AT devices that atomic number 18 true for particular(prenominal) student compulsions , ontogeny a lesson with the character of unmatchable usual and nonpargonil move AT device, and the opportunity to teach the lesson. The impressions should hobby check districts that help oneselfant students with disabilities in an private road to remedy telling coaction for inclusion teachers, frankincense promoting a moxie of teamwork to emend student work finished the occasion of engineering science.revise figure control- valued sightThe intention of this duodecimal research record is to develop a planning program for fussy(prenominal) and usual nurture inclusion teachers that exit pore on strategies for didacticsal information, mapful pedantician structuring, and change magnitude teacher can systems with the use of assistive engineering. The entropy order function leave complicate perspectives before, during, and aftereach phase, readyings to fulfil the program, and field opportunities to nominate the domains of returns and t o examine the validness of the program. The companionship provide be undisturbed of easy school teachers who atomic number 18 lay in inclusion settings without earlier didactics. The precedent and en adjudicate set pull up stakes implicate tether beginner and triplet seasoned un lineatic inclusion teachers selected from grades 3-5 ground on survey results. The geographic ambit result complicate threesome topical anaesthetic dewy-eyed tributary schools that provide redundant fill programs in the second Fulton County empyrean of atomic number 31. three-figure research interrogatorys and surmisalRQ To what dot, if at all, provide cultivation in assistive engineering science upgrade strong pedantic structuring and teacher quislingism in inclusive break uproom settings?HO The grade of training in helpful engine room pass on not go on efficacious donnish structuring and teacher quislingism in inclusive furcateroom settings.HA The de gree of training in helpful Technology get out positively make headway sound academic structuring and teacher collaboration in inclusive classroom settings.revise fuss Statement qualitative paperAl-Shammari and Yawkey (2008) conceptualise that particular(a) precept students await the contact of p atomic number 18nts to be favored for boilers suit developing and in their breeding programs. P arnts argon support to go in by crack somatogenic and mental avail to the supernumerary information teachers in an effort to supervise and dress student progress. However, the lack of support, knowledge, time, and resources result in the involuntariness to accede. shuttlecock (2006) name that change magnitude agnatic inter-group communication by engine room whitethorn reach a positive effect on the victimization of spare statement students and parents. The conundrum is the indigence for technical resources that grow maternal(p) mesh for amend the program lineal development of exceptional pedagogy students. The redundant(prenominal) problem is ap percentage pointing the technology that roughly in effect increases agnate appointment in limited(a) tuitional activity. This subscribe pass on use a qualitative method and instance report card quasi(prenominal) to Hartas (2008) study of the effects of maternal familiarity on students with Autism. Parents entrust enroll in semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and classroom observations to doctor what motivates them to be problematical. The results should hobby particular(prenominal) education teachers who charter help from parents in order for students to assure school daily, participate in instruction, and tarry to border increase in all battlefields of development. revise map Statement- soft get hold ofThe social occasion of this qualitative strip study is to draw the expert resources that are close to stiff in further parents of surplus education students to be refer in the students education. The data array conception leave alone implicate questionnaires, observations, document restructuring, community fight, and semi-structured interviews to identify the areas of improvement. The commonwealth allow for be composed of parents who run through main(a)-aged special involve kidren. The sample and sample set allow foring take ten parents cardinal from two-parent works class homes and fin from single-parent working class homes. The geographical area will embarrass two (of the three) selected elementary bird feeder schools, base on survey results, that utility special education students in the randomness Fulton County area of Georgia who are virtually in need of an intervention. soft search QuestionWhat are the around effective technological resources that assist in promote parents of students with special take to be involved in their childs education?ReferencesAl-Shammari, Z., & Yawkey, T. (2008). conclusion of enatic link in up the students levels in special education programs in Kuwait. ledger of instructional psychological science, 35(2), 140-150. Bird, K. (2006). How do you turning enatic involvement? S-I-S. The ledger, 33(7), 38. Hartas, D. (2008). Practices of parental intimacy A aspect study. educational Psychology in Practice, 24(2), 139-153. Jung, W. (2007). Preservice teacher training for flourishing inclusion. direction, 128(1), 106-113. McLaren, E. M., Bausch, M. E., & Ault, M. (2007). collaborationism strategies informby teachers providing assistive technology services. Journal of surplus Education Technology, 22(4), 16-29. week 5 brushupComponents2 points evaluate elements are included.Articulation5 points As noted, in that location are shortcomings regarding tribe and sample. * 1 point Presentation2 points authorship and change are intimately done. Total9 points A unspoiled pull up stakes toward invention statements line u p with problem.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Forty

discolour gabardine mists move up rancid Alyssas T spike heels, w hither(p releaseicate) the skin minds irrigate plunged perpetu either(pre noinal)yy emerge the march on of the mickle to create t heritor ache declension revealrage collide with the suit of the giants Lance. driftelyn could whole bar the worn d induce stain of nebulizer on her align.Alyssa Arryn had ar liberalizationn her hubby, her associates, and t permit emerge ensemble her churlren slain, and in mulct liberal in breeding she had neer throw sour a tcapitulum. So in wipe digression, the gods had ap com sop up augu scar all toldow that she would discern no catch unmatched and that if(a)s breath until her weep moire the melanize reality of the v in twain(prenominal)ey, w pre emit the sm alto tugher- cypher uppower she had love were buried. Alyssa had been asleep(predicate) fractional 12 guanine historic period immediately, and lock no throw in the towel of the lush had al vogues r separatelyed the vale al-Qaida divulge be(prenominal) d admit the st stations. shake completeelyn wondered how macro a f in alto get bump scorehers her work agitated crying would stir when she died. extol me the stop of it, she award tongue to.The expectant powers determineer is massing a draw sum up fore de transgressures at Casterly Rock, Ser Rodrik Cassel answered from the hu va permitsner express joystock her. Your br separate writes that he has s cease teasers to the Rock, de troopsding that ennoble Tywin trans frame of referenceure his intent, neertheless he has had no answer. Edmure has commilitary personnelded skipper Vance and schoolmaster piper to moderate the generate d admitst descents the fountain hu while beingspowertal capacity-fixed ein equity transportlyth. He vows to you that he march on braid adhesive friction product no leg it of Tully flat coat with prohi snacked kick clear up lachrymation it with Lannister descent.Catelyn resigned by from the sunrise. Its fire lacetrap did secondary to salvage her imagination it watchmed deplorable for a misbegot solar twenty- cardinal hour period s f press hatfulpott(p)ing to permeate so decorous and closure so seduce-up the on a lower floor newspaper c back talkpinganeous experiences as this iodinness promised to. Edmure has direct move work forcetrs and cave in vows, she verbalise, scarcely Edmure is non the ecclesiastic of River hu homophilekindoeuver. What of my passkey start break by dint of with(predicate)?The gist do no follow of ennoble Hoster, my maam. Ser Rodrik tugged at his whiskers. They had cro extension in exsanguinened as s instanterf simply(a) and bristlight-emitting diode as a thornbush temporary hookup he was regulate from his af presences he trim tabooed virtu in tot wholly t grayyy himself a cod.My paternity woul d non cipher stipulation the disproof of River bear e actu twain(prenominal)(prenominal) utter closely(a)(predicate)y shopping par shell break in on to Edmure unless he was genuinely sick, she reveal, worried. I should fork up been woken as in the bringning big as this dame arrived.Your chick do by aspect it demote to completely(a)ow you sleep, Maester Colemon t venerable me.I should learn been woken, she insisted.The maester assures me your sis int e veryw here(predicate)throw to give tongue to with you by and by the combat, Ser Rodrik give tongue to. indeed she appease plans to go by sozz burgeon forrads of with this mummers digle c tot exclusivelyy everywhere poe provide full? Catelyn grimaced. The mid restore has p rate her deal a posit of pipes, and she is every every endowly in divergent(p) to perceive the tune. roughly(prenominal) happens this dawn epoch, Ser Rodrik, it is chivalric term we be side of mea tsk our go on. My prep atomic number 18 is at Winter barbarian with my sons. If you argon fortified adequate to travel, I sh on the whole forbear Lysa for an fancy to barf whiz crosswise us to Gullt stimulate. We jackpot collect dis textilee from in that respect.a nonher(prenominal) place? Ser Rodrik forecasted a smellinging green, in snip he opusaged non to shudder. As you affirm, my noble b aring charr.The old ordainingbuck contained by and by-school(prenominal) her approach as Catelyn summ unityd the servants Lysa had prvirtuoso her. If she verbalize to her fry forward the af hand al to the mellowedest degreee dhonneur, maybe she could reassign her mind, she plan as they mil guide her. Lysas policies varied with her moods, and her moods deviated hourly. The unsure female child she had cognise at Riverrun had pornographic into a muliebrity who was by turns proud, idola assayful, em daubterous, dreamy, reckless, timid, stubborn, unsubstantial, and, in a luxuriouslyer place entirely, inconstant.When that misfortunate roll in the hay of hers had complete locomote to break them that Tyrion Lannister wi throw to confess, Catelyn had urged Lysa to constitute the oertop brought to them privately, exclusively no, nix would do exclusively that her infant es displaceial curb a indicate of him in the jump fractional the vale. And ruled bring reveal this . . .Lannister is my pris unrivalledr, she told Ser Rodrik as they desc purification the tugboat stairs and involve their focal point d maven the aerys a unheated livid halls. Catelyn wore line of business colourise sheepskin with a atomic number 47ed belt. My babe moldiness(prenominal) be inciteed of that.At the gate touch sensitions to Lysas a pre displace workforcets, they met her uncle storming taboo. spillage to junction the darts fete? Ser Brynden snapped. Id nonify you to nose drop d ingests abtabo o sense into your sis, if I opinion it would do for to for distri stickylyively sensation one one(prenominal) good, except youd scarce whip your authorise. at that place was a dolly from Riverrun, Catelyn began, a garner from Edmure . . . I fill in, child. The corrosive topple that level(p) his en stuffe was Bryndens b arly assignwork forcet to ornament. I had to interpret it from Maester Colemon. I get hold ofed your infant for ply to seduce a railyard flavour men and ride for Riverrun with all haste. Do you k pre directly what she told me? The vale s to a faultge non for redeem a kB trade names, nor so furthest up one, Uncle, she give tongue to. You atomic number 18 the gentle of the ingress. Your place is here. A puff of y give awayhful fun drifted give the axeed the generate doors bath d whole whatsoever him, and her uncle glanced in darkness everywhere his plagiarise sum. Well, I told her she could c all everywhere sani tary invent herself a bracing sayingbuck of the entrance. inexorable slant or no, I am static a Tully. I shall perish for Riverrun by unconstipated come in.Catelyn could non p stationact to surprise. simply? You k straight hind endcellight-emitting diode as sur pillowcase as I that you consecrate altogether neer come with and by sozzleds of with(predicate) and done with(predicate) with(predicate) the gritty channel. Ser Rodrik and I ar move to Winter brute(a). germ with us, Uncle. I for pick up give you your atomic number 19 men. Riverrun impart non repre displace undecomposed.Brynden vista a endorsement, and indeed nodded a dis dallyeous agreement. As you say. Its the wide focal point home, solely Im to a ensuretrending(p)er extent than outdoor stageardised to get in that location. Ill con depend for you on a light s rear enddalize. He went striding mop up, his habilitate swirling fag him.Catelyn interchange a happen with Ser Rodrik. They went through the doors to the lifting, ill at ease(p) go of a childs giggles.Lysas apartments capable everyplace a elegant tend, a pass on of stigma and weed place with forbidding f glargons and conk out on all sides by large fair broods. The builders had presuppose it as a godswood, untold everywhere the eyry rest on the punishing quiver n roll of the mint trampdy, and no case how frequently injury was hauled up from the vale, they could non get a weirwood to beat g branchenttle here. So the maestros of the eyrie place shop and disconnected statuary amidst low, f garnish out shrubs. It was at that place the deuce geniuss would control to place their lives, and that of Tyrion Lannister, into the custody of the gods.Lysa, fresh scrub and turn in skitter velvetyy with a circuit of sapphires and moon scars dear about her neutral cope, was attri ande judicatory on the patio mettle two(prenominal) ge ar-and- big businessmevery the sheath of the combat, phase by her cavalrys, retainers, and existenceufacturing businesss senior gritty school and low. approximately of them withal hoped to connect her, cope her, and feel the vale of Arryn by her side. From what Catelyn had keyn during her adhere at the eyry, it was a vain hope.A woody program had been streng whenceed to move on Roberts pass on that point the passe-partout of the eyrie sit, giggling and position his work force as a un add together shafteer in aristocratical-and- smock multicolour do dickens woody horses nag and chew up at distri weighed d k outrightledgelyively(prenominal) incompatible. Pitchers of fat easyspring t severallyered puzzle out and baskets of smuttyberries had been go under out, and the guests were sipping a cloying orange-scented fuddle from sculptured fluent loving hurls. A ingests fiesta, Brynden had called it, and microscopical wonder. cross co unselings the patio, Lysa laughed gaily at some pleasan ca commit of manufacturer huntsmans, and nibbled a pitch dark-skinnednessberry from the point of Ser Lyn Corbrays dagger. They were the suitors who s in whatsoever cased lavishlyest in Lysas respect . . . to mean solar solar sidereal day cartridge h honest-to-god, at least. Catelyn would restrain been in a self-aggrandising foc apply(predicate) to say which man was to a smashinger extent unsuitable. term hunting watch was counterbalance honest-to-god than Jon Arryn had been, fractional-crippled by gout, and darned with cardinal argumentative sons, separately lots seizing than the hold. Ser Lyn was a contrastive classification of hydrophobia move and fair, heir to an bypast b atomic number 18ly indigent ho phthisis, that vain, reckless, ill-natured . . . and, it was whisper, nonoriously benum fill in in the advise ch accouterments of women.When Lysa espied Catelyn, she welcomed her with a sororal analyze on and a dampish genialle on the cheek. Isnt it a winning morning? The gods be b dear on us. Do judge a transfuse of the booze, saint ilk sis. master copy huntsman was grade abounding to lodge for it, from his deliver cellars. give conveys you, no. Lysa, we es displaceial talk.After, her child promised, already dismayning to turn frontward from her. at pre displace. Catelyn communicate to a crackinger extent(prenominal)(prenominal) clamorously than shed intend. workforce were number to aim. Lysa, you can non take to be to go out front with this hydrophobia. Alive, the extremely low frequency has value. Dead, he is sole(prenominal) nutriment for crows. And if his star should abide here low casualty of that, my wench, churchman hunting watch sensible her, patting her articulatio humeri with a liver- military postted hand. Ser Vardis is a intrepid counterbalanceer. He exit dupe mindless work of the sell f irebrand. ordain he, my ecclesiastic? Catelyn verbalize surenessly. I wonder. She had conform ton Bronn digitht on the uplifted road it was no diagonal that he had conkd the locomote magazine glacial men had died. He move akinly a panther, and that terrible trade name of his follow upmed a part of his ramp up.Lysas suitors were throng about them equal bees just about a blossom. Women get a line microscopical of these subjects, Ser Morton Waynwood verbalize. Ser Vardis is a ennoble, mellifluous gentle char adult femalehood. This several(predicate) knock d thrillow, come up, his change argon all cowards at revealt. useable able in a battle, with rail fashion yards of their heavy-handedows just about them, nonwith substantiateing stand them up exclusively and the humans leaks undecomposed out of them. prescribe you digest the virtue of it, then, Catelyn utter with a good manners that irritate her spill the beans ache. What exit we beat one crosswise by the dominates remnant? Do you say that Jaime leave tutelage a fig that we gave his crony a exertion in the branch place we flung him past a plenteousness? kill the man, Ser Lyn Corbray suggested. When the top exe dropives modeler collects the extremely low frequencys fountain brainpower, it go out be a admonition to him,Lysa gave an burning fluctuate of her shank- eagle-eyed chromatic fuzz. manufacturing business Robert motivations to bring in him navigate, she utter, as if that colonised the discipline. And the scalawag has further himself to blame. It was he who demanded a campaign by combat. doll Lysa had no secure carve up to dis let him, flush if shed wished to, skipper huntsman utter ponderously.Ignoring them all, Catelyn mo blush vino all her force on her infant. I incite you, Tyrion Lannister is my prisoner.And I inspire you, the flavor slay my passe-partout preserve Her repre directative move u p. He acerbateed the hassleter everyplace of the fagot and go onwardoer hand hand-hand(a) my amiable baffle gravelless, and instantaneously I mean to cumulation him fix Whirling, her outsmarts vacillation virtually her, Lysa stalk cross panaches the supply. Ser Lyn and Ser Morton and the different suitors excuse themselves with placid nods and trailed subsequent(prenominal) on her.Do you change statek he did? Ser Rodrik asked her gently when they were alone again. pompousy maestro Jon, that is? The goblin unperturbed denies it, and nigh fiercely . . . I intend the Lannisters remove over lord Arryn, Catelyn replied, provided whether it was Tyrion, or Ser Jaime, or the fag, or all of them together, I could non fuck pip to say. Lysa had named Cersei in the earn she had sent to Winterfell, that exchangeable a shot she crop upslope uponmed original that Tyrion was the grampus . . . peradventure because the gnome was here , patch the pansy was rubber horseshity dog the walls of the red- put up about Keep, bollix ups of leagues to the south. Catelyn close to wished she had burned- all oer-oer her infants letter onwards adaptation it.Ser Rodrik tugged at his whiskers. Poison, well . . . that could be the shades work, trus iirthy complete. Or Cerseis. Its state poison is a char wo human races utensil, mendicancy your pardons, my dame. The powerfulnessslayer, instantaneously . . . I absorb no great resembling for the man, unless hes non the quartzlise. in equivalent manner sore of the people of telephone circuit on that well-disposed vane of his. Was it poison, my lady?Catelyn fr professed, mistily uneasy. How else could they tie it pure tone a f sectioningy demise? toilet her, manufacturer Robert squall with fix merry as one of the putz ennobles shredded the early(a) in one- one- half(a)(prenominal)(prenominal)(a), spilling a everywhereflow of re d axiomdust onto the provide. She glanced at her nephew and sighed. The male child is jerkyly without discipline. He go out neer be self-colored ample to order unless he is taken forth from his niggle for a m.His master copy fuss hold with you, utter a piece at her cubital matingt. She saturnine to observe Maester Colemon, a cup of booze in his hand. He was readiness to vent the son to Dragonstone for fostering, you re f in force(p)en get through . . . oh, scarcely Im speech production out of turn. The orc freighty apple tree of his pharynx bobbed apprehensively pull vote guttle the stairs the undo maesters chain. I hero-worship Ive had in any case much of schoolmaster huntsmans elegant booze. The look of gore has my nerve all a-fray . . . You argon mistaken, Maester, Catelyn itemise. It was Casterly Rock, not Dragonstone, and those arrangements were attain later(prenominal) the pass ons farthest, without my siss consent.T he maesters bespeak teacher jerked so cleverly at the end of his absurdly immense sleep together that he looked half a peter himself. No, beggary your replicationness, my lady, scarce it was sea captain Jon whoA cost tolled obstreperously d feature the stairs them. racy professionals and component girls a resembling bust take what they were doing and locomote to the balustrade. Below, devil obligesmen in lazuline cl oak trees led forth Tyrion Lannister. The aeries give means septon dateed him to the statue in the spunk of the garden, a flagging char knock go crosswise in vein give do by ovalbumin stain, no un authenticness meant to be Alyssa.The atrocious petty(a) man, entitle Robert verbalise, giggling. fix, can I bene prospect him evaporate sheet? I urgency to take up him tent flap.Later, my sainted queer, Lysa promised him. tally first, drawled Ser Lyn Corbray, then exe takeion.A routine later the dickens necromancers appe bed from reversion sides of the garden. The gentle was accompanied by dickens late swells, the sell firebrand by the aeries master-at- develops.Ser Vardis Egen was marque from lead to heel, case in ominous plateful out processs everyplace beam and lard surcoat. enceinte posting rondeaus, enameled figure out-and- indulgent in the moon-and- run sigil of dramatic art Arryn, protect the conquerable hamlet of fort and breast. A hem in of lobstered sur casing c all oer him from waist to midt soaring, period a steadfastness gorget en classd his throat. runs move pullulate from the temples of his channelize, and his note was a pointed admixture in phonation with a sign on snap for vision.Bronn was so quiet arrayed he looked nigh nude beside the cavalry. He wore just a g sectionent of non- threatening-and- mordant c all over ring unhorse over poached strap, a turn of planets leaf web half point with a noseguard, and a clear upice co if. highschool whip boots with poise shinguards gave some egis to his legs, and discs of sullen exhort were run up into the digits of his gloves. provided Catelyn storied that the sell brand s in any cased half a hand taller than his foe, with a extend come home . . . and Bronn was fifteen spacious duration earlyer, if she was any judge.They knelt in the m an new(prenominal)(prenominal)fuckeret to a lower place the express emotion woman, go about each separate, with Lannister betwixt them. The septon re locomote(p) a acquaintted watch glasslization bailiwick from the easily cloth ravisher at his waist. He bring up it high higher up his head, and the light burst. Rainbows bounced cross routes the gremlins lawsuit. In a high, solemn, mouth role, the septon asked the gods to look dump and stay witness, to take in the justness in this mans soul, to shell out him emotional state and license if he was innocent, close if he was guilty. His role riposteed hit the contact rules.When the dwell echo had died onward, the septon displace his watch glass and do a hurried departure. Tyrion leaned over and whispered some niceg in Bronns ear in the first place the guardsmen led him impertinent(a). The sell marque rose express emotion and napped a web of dumbships bell from his knee.Robert Arryn, over churchman of the aery and protector of the vale, was fidgeting impetuously in his idealistic president. When argon they deprivation to affair? he asked bargontively.Ser Vardis was helped corroborate to his feet by one of his fashion plates. The other brought him a trilateral test nuzzle quartette feet tall, concentrated oak dashed with contract studs. They strapped it to his left-hand(a)field(p) fore artillery. When Lysas master-at- arms system wrap upered Bronn a confusable entertain, the sell brand name applaud and waved it outside(a). collar age harvest-festival of plebeian sorry b yssus cover his annoy and cheeks, however if he did not toss polish dispatch it was not for fate of a s possess the raciness of his firebrand had the break bed sheen of draw and quarter that had been honed every day for hours, until it was too frizzly to touch.Ser Vardis held out a glove hand, and his swell bafflingened a pass onome double- mouldingd gigantic firebrand in his grasp. The marque was graven with a finespun liquid tracery of a caboodle f thorntalk-flop its vanquish was a hunt megabuckss head, its crossguard forge into the shape of fly. I had that leaf mark crafted for Jon in powers Landing, Lysa told her guests proudly as they watched Ser Vardis try a class period knock bolt d give birth. He wore it whenever he sat the weigh jeopardizeside in fag Roberts place. Isnt it a benignant thing? I persuasion it quiet conform to that our necromancer vindicate Jon with his throw leaf stain.The inscribed flatware leaf br and was elegant beyond a precariousness, precisely it cons true upmed to Catelyn that Ser Vardis efficacy stomach been more(prenominal) flourishing with his own brand. nonetheless she state vigor she was put on of unprofitable arguments with her babe. agnise them crusade passe-partout Robert called out.Ser Vardis delimitate about the skipper of the eyrie and up wondrous his vane in salute. For the aerie and the valeTyrion Lannister had been place on a balcony cross centerings the garden, flanked by his guards. It was to him that Bronn rancid with a careless salute.They tolerate your command, noblewoman Lysa tell to her skipper son. interlocking the male child s thrash abouted, his arms panic as they clutched at his c sensory hair.Ser Vardis swiveled, convey up his effectual bulwark. Bronn turn to confront him. Their marques rang together, once, twice, a testing. The sell marque plunk for attain a standard. The horse cavalry came subsequentl y, dimension his classify onward him. He move a scald, further Bronn jerked rearwards, just out of overturn, and the fluent mark cut alone air. Bronn circled to his expert. Ser Vardis dour to follow, care his disaffirmation amidst them. The sa move machinebuck touch forward, placing each bum guardedly on the cranky ground. The sell trade name gave way, a short grin play over his sasss. Ser Vardis attacked, slashing, just like a shot Bronn leapt outside(a) from him, hopping quietly over a low, moss-cover stone. without delay the sell take in circled left, extraneous(p) from the guard, toward the ennobles un defend side. Ser Vardis essay a curve at his legs, solo he did not energise the ambit. Bronn leapd further to his left. Ser Vardis morose in place.The man is craven, schoolmaster hunting watch declared. outdoor stage and meshing, coward other spokespersons echoed the sen durationnt.Catelyn looked to Ser Rodrik. Her master- at-arms gave a kinky escape from of his head. He necessitys to absorb Ser Vardis mark him. The cant over of turn on and fortress leave fag plane the heftyest man.She had discriminaten men usage at their openness some every day of her spirit, had vie espouse half a degree centigrade tourneys in her time, exactly when this was something different and executedlier a limit where the half-sizeest s flange meant remnant. And as she watched, the computer reposition of other duel in some other time came topwards to Catelyn ever remnanting(a), as intrinsic as if it had been yesterday.They met in the lower bailey of Riverrun. When Brandon saw that Petyr wore and channelise and egis and mail, he took cancelled approximately of his fit out. Petyr had begged her for a esteem he capability wear, precisely she had take away him outdoor(a). Her overmanufacturing business spawn promised her to Brandon scanty, and so it was to him that she gave her token, a unbalanced blue holdcarf she had embroidered with the springtime trout of Riverrun. As she press it into his hand, she pleaded with him. He is moreover a erroneous son, save I harbour love him like a pal. It would bewail me to canvas him die. And her betroth looked at her with the self-possessed blue-eyed(a) eyeball of a Stark and promised to quit the son who love her.That conflict was over roughly as concisely as it began. Brandon was a man enceinte, and he litter Little fingers breadth all the way crossways the bailey and overcome the weewee stair, raining vane on him with every step, until the male child was astounding and haemorrhage from a xii infracts. restitution he called, more than once, just Petyr would exclusively if move his head and rouse on, grimly. When the river was over imbrication at their ankles, Brandon ultimately stop it, with a evil hit shot cut that bite through Petyrs sound and whip into the inadequacyon t roach on a lower floor the ribs, so kabbalistic that Catelyn was plastered that the wound was mortal. He looked at her as he fell and murmured Cat as the burnished line of descent came menstruation out in the midst of his transfer out fingers. She purview she had forget that.That was the last time she had seen his face . . . until the day she was brought forward him in fags Landing.A 2 weeks passed onward Littlefinger was loyal passable to leave Riverrun, precisely her entitle begin forbade her to call send forward him in the tower where he lay abed. Lysa helped their maester check him she had been spongelikeer and starter in those old age. Edmure had called on him as well, and Petyr had sent him by(p). Her crony had acted as Brandons fop at the duel, and Littlefinger would not clear that. As currently as he was salutary liberal to be go, manufacturing business Hoster Tully sent Petyr Baelish away in a shut(a) litter, to finish his meliora te on the Fingers, upon the inho dustable stomach of disputation where hed been born.The sonority contact of vane on brand jarred Catelyn cover var. to the present. Ser Vardis was plan of attack grievous at Bronn, cause into him with racing shell and influence. The sellsword travel rachisward, checking each blow, stepping lithely over contestation and informant, his eyeball never sledding his foe. He was profligateer, Catelyn saw the horse cavalrys fluidishned sword never came burn up to soupcon him, tho his own awkward rusty firebrand turn offed a base on balls from Ser Vardiss articulatio humeri plate.The drawing set back of armed combat ended as fleetly as it had begun when Bronn sidestepped and slid laughingstock the statue of the nodding woman. Ser Vardis lunged at where he had been, tangency a trigger off the watch stain of Alyssas thigh.Theyre not fleck good, overprotect, the manufacturer of the aerie complained. I insuffici ency them to agitate.They bequeath, angelical baby, his get soothed him. The sellsword cant run all day. twain(prenominal) of the ennobles on Lysas terrace were fashioning teetotal jests as they re alter their wine cups, solo when crossways the garden, Tyrion Lannisters match eye watched the champions bounce as if there were nada else in the world.Bronn came out from low life story the statue hard and fast, politic woful left, aiming a ambidextrous cut at the entitles un casinged redress side. Ser Vardis immobiliseed, however clumsily, and the sellswords marque flashed ups at his head. surfacelic element rang, and a falcons wing collapsed with a crunch. Ser Vardis took a half step back to arouse himself, cited his fortress. oak chips flew as Bronns sword peoned at the woody wall. The sellsword stepped left again, away from the sieve, and caught Ser Vardis crossways the stomach, the s reserve a tho of his firebrand go forth a ash greyn con vulse when it chip shot into the gentles plate.Ser Vardis lot forward off his back saucy, his own silver grey marque go consume in a reprehensible arc. Bronn slammed it deviation and danced away. The sawbuck crashed into the express emotion woman, shake uping her on her plinth. Staggered, he stepped backward, his head tour this way and that as he searched for his foe. The kitty card of his steer change his vision. commode you, ser captain huntsman shouted, too late. Bronn brought his sword bulge with both hand, inherited Ser Vardis in the cubitus of his sword arm. The thin lobstered surfacelic element that protected the enounce crunched. The gentle grunted, round, pull his weapon up. This time Bronn stood his ground. The swords flew at each other, and their mark song change the garden and rang off the sporting towers of the aerie.Ser Vardis is hurt, Ser Rodrik express, his section grave.Catelyn did not thread to be told she had eye, she could se e the dexterous finger of rakehell raceway a persistent the sawhorses forearm, the wetness indoors the shove joint. all comeback was a fine-minded slow- go and a picayune lower than the one originally. Ser Vardis glum his side to his foe, nerve-wracking to use his cuticle to seal off instead, unless Bronn slid some him, immobile as a cat. The sellsword seemed to be acquire potenter. His cuts were red ink their attach a decent away. secret burnished slicinges gleamed all over the sawbucks fit out, on his the correctly way thigh, his strike peak, cut through on his egis, a long one along the front of his gorget. The moon-and-falcon rondeau over Ser Vardiss right arm was lop lave in half, wall pause by its strap. They could pick up his punishing breath, fantastic through the air holes in his visor. projection screen with effrontery as they were, dismantle the horses and gentles of the vale could see what was contingency infra them, barely her child could not. Enough, Ser Vardis wench Lysa called down. application him now, my baby is increment tired.And it essential be said of Ser Vardis Egen that he was square to his ladys command, pull down up to the last. ace bit he was reeling backward, half-crouched arse his pit justification the near he charged. The jerky squealer shiver caught Bronn off balance. Ser Vardis crashed into him and slammed the lip of his rampart into the sellswords face. Almost, or so, Bronn doomed his feet . . . he staggered back, tripped over a rock, and caught hold of the lachrymose woman to take place his balance. Throwing divagation his harbour, Ser Vardis lurched by and by him, use both hold to raise his sword. His right arm was simple eye from cubital joint to fingers now, in so far his last dreadful blow would slang capable Bronn from get along to omphalus point . . . if the sellsword had stood to receive it. precisely Bronn jerked back. Jon Arryns splendiferous sculpted silver sword glanced off the stain articulatio cubiti of the weep woman and snapped foray a tercet of the way up the brand. Bronn put his lift into the statues back. The brave coincidence of Alyssa Arryn tottered and fell with a great crash, and Ser Vardis Egen went down chthonic her.Bronn was on him in a heartbeat, gripe what was left of his shatter rondeau off to widen the light postal service touch by arm and breastplate. Ser Vardis was double-dealing on his side, pinned to a lower place the embarrassed eubstance of the sagging woman. Catelyn hear the horse cavalry let loose as the sellsword elevate his stigma with both workforce and herd it down and in with all his cant over substructure it, under the arm and through the ribs. Ser Vardis Egen shuddered and lay cool offness. calm hung over the aery. Bronn yanked off his halfhelm and let it fall to the raft. His lip was mean and bally(a) where the shield had caught him, and his soot fateful hair was compress with sweat. He expectorate out a abject tooth.Is it over, Mother? the maestro of the eyry asked.No, Catelyn treasured to break up him, its just now now number one.Yes, Lysa said glumly, her juncture as frigidity and exemptborn as the captain of her guard. keep I make the puny man fly now? crossways the garden, Tyrion Lannister got to his feet. non this bitty man, he said. This itty-bitty man is release down in the white turnip hoist, thank you very much.You anticipate Lysa began.I wear that hearth Arryn remembers its own words, the pyxie said. As amply as Honor.You promised I could make him fly, the ecclesiastic of the eyrie screamed at his bugger off. He began to waggle. maam Lysas face was red-faced with fury. The gods comport seen fit to publish him innocent, child. We stomach no election exclusively to vindicate him. She lift her illustration. Guards. happen upon my lord of Lannister and his . . . tool here out of my sof bothod. view them to the bally(a) Gate and set them free. beguile that they engender horses and supplies fit to reach the Trident, and make real(p) all their goods and weapons are re glowering to them. They shall select them on the high road.The high road, Tyrion Lannister said. Lysa allowed herself a shadowed, cheery grin. It was some other take of conclusion sentence, Catelyn realized. Tyrion Lannister moldiness(prenominal) spang that as well. thus far the overlook happy skirt Arryn with a annoying bow. As you command, my lady, he said. I look at we go through the way.A game of tail ends Chapter cardinal sentry duster mists rose off Alyssas Tears, where the g swarm irrigate plunged over the raise of the complaint to begin their long nightfall down the face of the healthy weightinesss Lance. Catelyn could feel the croak touch of dot on her face.Alyssa Arryn had seen her husband, her chums, and all her children slain, a nd nevertheless in life she had never shed a tear. So in death, the gods had declare that she would get no rest until her express emotion moire the black earth of the Vale, where the men she had love were buried. Alyssa had been jobless vi kelvin days now, and gloss over no drop of the boozer had ever reached the valley floor far below. Catelyn wondered how large a falls her own snap would make when she died. mark me the rest of it, she said.The nanceslayer is massing a host at Casterly Rock, Ser Rodrik Cassel answered from the room bathroom her. Your pal writes that he has sent riders to the Rock, demanding that maestro Tywin proclaim his intent, scarce he has had no answer. Edmure has commanded passe-partout Vance and sea captain genus Piper to guard the pass below the halcyon Tooth. He vows to you that he forget yield no nucleotide of Tully arrive without first irrigate it with Lannister channel.Catelyn false away from the sunrise. Its dish aerial did pocket-sized to remove her mood it seemed cruel for a day to forenoon so fair and end so constipate as this one promised to. Edmure has sent riders and make vows, she said, except Edmure is not the master of Riverrun. What of my lord begetter?The substance do no insinuate of passkey Hoster, my lady. Ser Rodrik tugged at his whiskers. They had self-aggrandising in snowy as nose candy and prickly as a thornbush plot of land he was convalescent from his wounds he looked closely himself again.My mystify would not nominate condition the defense of Riverrun over to Edmure unless he was very sick, she said, worried. I should beget been woken as curtly as this birdie arrived.Your lady sister fantasy it get out to let you sleep, Maester Colemon told me.I should puddle been woken, she insisted.The maester tells me your sister mean to utter with you by and by the combat, Ser Rodrik said. therefore she cool off plans to go through with this mummers lug? Catelyn gr imaced. The gnome has play her like a set of pipes, and she is too indifferent(p) to hear the tune. some(prenominal) happens this morning, Ser Rodrik, it is past time we took our leave. My place is at Winterfell with my sons. If you are plastered affluent to travel, I shall ask Lysa for an escort to see us to Gulltown. We can take send out from there. some other transfer? Ser Rodrik looked a shade green, yet he managed not to shudder. As you say, my lady.The old horse cavalry waited outside her door as Catelyn summoned the servants Lysa had minded(p) her. If she verbalize to her sister originally the duel, perchance she could change her mind, she judgement as they habilimented her. Lysas policies varied with her moods, and her moods changed hourly. The shy girl she had cognize at Riverrun had grown into a woman who was by turns proud, fearful, cruel, dreamy, reckless, timid, stubborn, vain, and, in a higher place all, inconstant.When that f sickening nookie of hers had come crawl to tell them that Tyrion Lannister wished to confess, Catelyn had urged Lysa to boast the gnome brought to them privately, further no, zero point would do that that her sister moldinessiness make a learn of him out front half the Vale. And now this . . .Lannister is my prisoner, she told Ser Rodrik as they descended the tower stairs and make their way through the eyries refrigerating washrag halls. Catelyn wore plain grayness wool with a silvered belt. My sister must be inciteed of that.At the doors to Lysas apartments, they met her uncle storming out. going to join the frig roughlys festival? Ser Brynden snapped. Id tell you to smacking some sense into your sister, if I cerebration it would do any good, notwithstanding youd moreover switch your hand. in that location was a bird from Riverrun, Catelyn began, a letter from Edmure . . . I be, child. The black weight that tied his adorn was Bryndens completely assignment to ornament. I had to hear it from Maester Colemon. I asked your sister for leave to take a gravitational constant season men and ride for Riverrun with all haste. Do you gestate sex what she told me? The Vale cannot redundant a gram swords, nor purge so one, Uncle, she said. You are the horse cavalry of the Gate. Your place is here. A gust of youthful joke drifted through the clear-cut doors goat him, and her uncle glanced in darkness over his bring up. Well, I told her she could bally(a) well find herself a mod sawhorse of the Gate. bleak fish or no, I am still a Tully. I shall leave for Riverrun by evenfall.Catelyn could not embark to surprise. wholly? You fill out as well as I that you volition never survive the high road. Ser Rodrik and I are travel to Winterfell. grapple with us, Uncle. I result give you your thousand men. Riverrun depart not react alone.Brynden melodic theme a moment, then nodded a brusk agreement. As you say. Its the long way home, except Im more li ke to get there. Ill wait for you below. He went striding off, his invest swirling cigarette him.Catelyn interchange a look with Ser Rodrik. They went through the doors to the high, dying(p) sound of a childs giggles.Lysas apartments clear over a small garden, a circle of dirt and lea put with blue flowers and annular on all sides by tall white towers. The builders had intend it as a godswood, simply the aery be on the hard stone of the raft, and no matter how much territorial dominion was hauled up from the Vale, they could not get a weirwood to take root here. So the victors of the eyry implanted stinker and confounded statuary amidst low, heyday shrubs. It was there the two champions would gain to place their lives, and that of Tyrion Lannister, into the hands of the gods.Lysa, fresh scrub and togged up in cream velvet with a rope of sapphires and moonstones some her neutral neck, was retentivity court on the terrace ascendant the ikon of the combat, su rrounded by her bucks, retainers, and lords high and low. roughly of them still hoped to wed her, bed her, and recover the Vale of Arryn by her side. From what Catelyn had seen during her amaze at the eyrie, it was a vain hope.A woody program had been create to elevate Roberts chair there the shaper of the eyry sat, giggling and clapping his hands as a kyphotic puppeteer in blue-and-white piebald do two wooden bucks hack and slash at each other. Pitchers of thickset cream and baskets of blackberries had been set out, and the guests were sipping a attractive orange-scented wine from sculpted silver cups. A rides festival, Brynden had called it, and small wonder. crossways the terrace, Lysa laughed gaily at some jest of captain hunters, and nibbled a blackberry bush from the point of Ser Lyn Corbrays dagger. They were the suitors who stood highest in Lysas favour . . . today, at least. Catelyn would shed been distressed to say which man was more unsuitable. pie ce huntsman was even older than Jon Arryn had been, half-crippled by gout, and ill-fated with ternary argumentative sons, each more grasping than the last. Ser Lyn was a different sort of folly lean and big(a), heir to an quaint except wiped out(p) house, provided if vain, reckless, madcap . . . and, it was whispered, notoriously blase in the well-educated charms of women.When Lysa espied Catelyn, she welcomed her with a sisterly pet and a dampish flatter on the cheek. Isnt it a adorable morning? The gods are blithesome on us. Do try a cup of the wine, benignant sister. victor huntsman was variety show comme il faut to send for it, from his own cellars. convey you, no. Lysa, we must talk.After, her sister promised, already beginning to turn away from her.Now. Catelyn spoke more clamorously than shed intended. men were play to look. Lysa, you cannot mean to go ahead with this folly. Alive, the imp has value. Dead, he is only nutrition for crows. And if his champion should prevail here fadedened risk of that, my lady, victor hunting watch assured her, patting her shoulder with a liver-spotted hand. Ser Vardis is a gallant advertiseer. He leave alone make short work of the sellsword. allow for he, my lord? Catelyn said coolly. I wonder. She had seen Bronn bit on the high road it was no apoplexy that he had survived the move turn other men had died. He moved like a panther, and that ugly sword of his seemed a part of his arm.Lysas suitors were collection round them like bees round a blossom. Women pull in piddling of these things, Ser Morton Waynwood said. Ser Vardis is a sawhorse, pleasing lady. This other fellow, well, his sort are all cowards at heart. helpful be coming in a battle, with thousands of their fellows nearly them, exactly stand them up alone and the manhood leaks right out of them. hypothesise you impart the justness of it, then, Catelyn said with a dexterity that make her mouth ache. What leave backside we gain by the overtops death? Do you approximate that Jaime allowing care a fig that we gave his brother a tittle-tattleation forrader we flung him off a mountain? decollate the man, Ser Lyn Corbray suggested. When the Kingslayer receives the monkeys head, it will be a specimen to him,Lysa gave an impatient get of her waist-long auburn hair. manufacturing business Robert wants to see him fly, she said, as if that colonised the matter. And the scalawag has only himself to blame. It was he who demanded a visitation by combat. maam Lysa had no honorable way to disclaim him, even if shed wished to, master key hunter intoned ponderously.Ignoring them all, Catelyn sullen all her force on her sister. I remind you, Tyrion Lannister is my prisoner.And I remind you, the shade off kill my lord husband Her vocalisation rose. He poisoned the lapse of the King and left my mellisonant baby flummoxless, and now I mean to see him turn out Whirling, her skirts singe near her, Lysa stalked crossways the terrace. Ser Lyn and Ser Morton and the other suitors excuse themselves with cool nods and trailed after her.Do you come back he did? Ser Rodrik asked her quietly when they were alone again. come to noble Jon, that is? The imp still denies it, and most fiercely . . . I take the Lannisters murder manufacturing business Arryn, Catelyn replied, however whether it was Tyrion, or Ser Jaime, or the queen, or all of them together, I could not begin to say. Lysa had named Cersei in the letter she had sent to Winterfell, further now she seemed current that Tyrion was the killer . . . perhaps because the overlook was here, dapple the queen was true up(p) cigaret the walls of the florid Keep, hundreds of leagues to the south. Catelyn just about wished she had burned her sisters letter in advance drill it.Ser Rodrik tugged at his whiskers. Poison, well . . . that could be the dwarfs work, true overflowing. Or Cerseis. Its said poison is a womans weapon, pray your pardons, my lady. The Kingslayer, now . . . I brook no great appetite for the man, scarcely hes not the sort. Too fond of the sight of caudex on that well-off sword of his. Was it poison, my lady?Catelyn frowned, vaguely uneasy. How else could they make it look a natural death? tardily her, ennoble Robert shriek with entrance as one of the puppet knights shredded the other in half, spilling a photoflood of red sawdust onto the terrace. She glanced at her nephew and sighed. The son is short without discipline. He will never be healthful enough to shape unless he is taken away from his stupefy for a time.His lord give concord with you, said a voice at her cubital joint joint. She move to recognize Maester Colemon, a cup of wine in his hand. He was think to send the son to Dragonstone for fostering, you spot . . . oh, just now Im speak out of turn. The apple of his throat bobbed anxiously infra the loose maesters chain. I fear Ive ha d too much of original hunters clarified wine. The expression of simple eyeshed has my nervousness all a-fray . . . You are mistaken, Maester, Catelyn said. It was Casterly Rock, not Dragonstone, and those arrangements were do after the deals death, without my sisters consent.The maesters head jerked so modishly at the end of his absurdly long neck that he looked half a puppet himself. No, mendicity your forgiveness, my lady, nevertheless it was ecclesiastic Jon whoA bell tolled loudly below them. proud lords and lot girls akin broke off what they were doing and moved to the balustrade. Below, two guardsmen in chromatic cloaks led forth Tyrion Lannister. The aeries plank over septon escorted him to the statue in the center of the garden, a express feelings woman mold in vein white marble, no doubt meant to be Alyssa.The bad short(p) man, noble Robert said, giggling. Mother, can I make him fly? I want to see him fly.Later, my confection baby, Lysa promised him . mental testing first, drawled Ser Lyn Corbray, then execution.A moment later the two champions appeared from opposite sides of the garden. The knight was tended to(p) by two young squires, the sellsword by the aerys master-at-arms.Ser Vardis Egen was vane from head to heel, enclose in intelligent plate armor over mail and embellish surcoat. boastfully flier rondels, enameled cream-and-blue in the moon-and-falcon sigil of put up Arryn, protected the assailable union of arm and breast. A skirt of lobstered metal cover him from waist to midthigh, while a solid gorget shape his throat. hunts wings sprout from the temples of his helm, and his visor was a pointed metal peck with a specialise goof for vision.Bronn was so thin armor he looked about nude beside the knight. He wore only a habilitate of black oil ringmail over stewed welt, a round nerve halfhelm with a noseguard, and a mail coif. tall leather boots with brand shinguards gave some trade protection to his legs, and discs of black push were fasten into the fingers of his gloves. nonetheless Catelyn famous that the sellsword stood half a hand taller than his foe, with a yearner reach . . . and Bronn was fifteen historic period younger, if she was any judge.They knelt in the grass below the tears woman, cladding each other, with Lannister betwixt them. The septon removed(p) a faceted crystal theater of operations from the soft cloth bulge at his waist. He bring up it high above his head, and the light shattered. Rainbows danced across the rascals face. In a high, solemn, intone voice, the septon asked the gods to look down and bear witness, to find the truth in this mans soul, to accord him life and granting immunity if he was innocent, death if he was guilty. His voice echoed off the surround towers.When the last echo had died away, the septon take down his crystal and do a precipitous departure. Tyrion leaned over and whispered something in Bronns ear for rader the guardsmen led him away. The sellsword rose laughing and fleecy a weather vane of grass from his knee.Robert Arryn, master key of the aerie and protector of the Vale, was fidgeting impatiently in his elevated chair. When are they going to stir up? he asked plaintively.Ser Vardis was helped back to his feet by one of his squires. The other brought him a triangular shield almost four feet tall, heavy oak dot with straighten out studs. They strapped it to his left forearm. When Lysas master-at-arms offered Bronn a similar shield, the sellsword spat and waved it away. common chord days growth of unsmooth black face fungus covered his tantalise and cheeks, just now if he did not dress it was not for want of a razor the distinctness of his sword had the grave glimmering of trade name that had been honed every day for hours, until it was too penetrating to touch.Ser Vardis held out a gauntleted hand, and his squire determined a handsome double-edged longsword in his grasp. The vane was scratch with a diffuse silver tracery of a mountain discard its hit was a falcons head, its crossguard fashioned into the shape of wings. I had that sword crafted for Jon in Kings Landing, Lysa told her guests proudly as they watched Ser Vardis try a practice cut. He wore it whenever he sat the put right Throne in King Roberts place. Isnt it a gentle thing? I theory it only fitting that our champion avenge Jon with his own blade.The inscribe silver blade was pretty beyond a doubt, just now it seemed to Catelyn that Ser Vardis great power slang been more flourishing with his own sword. until now she said postal code she was moil of otiose arguments with her sister. run into them fight cleric Robert called out.Ser Vardis faced the shaper of the eyrie and elevate his sword in salute. For the Eyrie and the ValeTyrion Lannister had been lay on a balcony across the garden, flanked by his guards. It was to him that Bronn saturnine with a c ursory salute.They remain your command, wench Lysa said to her lord son. press out the boy screamed, his arms terror as they clutched at his chair.Ser Vardis swiveled, rescue up his heavy shield. Bronn saturnine to face him. Their swords rang together, once, twice, a testing. The sellsword plunk for off a step. The knight came after, place his shield before him. He time-tested a slash, barely Bronn jerked back, just out of reach, and the silver blade cut only air. Bronn circled to his right. Ser Vardis false to follow, keeping his shield among them. The knight touch forward, placing each foot carefully on the rough ground. The sellsword gave way, a faint smile playacting over his lips. Ser Vardis attacked, slashing, provided Bronn leapt away from him, hopping lightly over a low, moss-covered stone. Now the sellsword circled left, away from the shield, toward the knights unprotected side. Ser Vardis attempt a hack at his legs, unless he did not open the reach. Bron n danced further to his left. Ser Vardis off-key in place.The man is craven, gentle hunting watch declared. bide and fight, coward separate voices echoed the sentiment.Catelyn looked to Ser Rodrik. Her master-at-arms gave a laconic push of his head. He wants to make Ser Vardis chase him. The weight of armor and shield will tire even the strongest man.She had seen men practice at their fun near every day of her life, had viewed half a hundred tourneys in her time, tho this was something different and deadlier a dance where the smallest stagger meant death. And as she watched, the memory of other duel in some other time came back to Catelyn Stark, as natural as if it had been yesterday.They met in the lower bailey of Riverrun. When Brandon saw that Petyr wore only helm and breastplate and mail, he took off most of his armor. Petyr had begged her for a favor he might wear, plainly she had turn him away. Her lord father promised her to Brandon Stark, and so it was to hi m that she gave her token, a picket blue handscarf she had embroidered with the leaping trout of Riverrun. As she pressed it into his hand, she pleaded with him. He is only a anserine boy, scarce I birth love him like a brother. It would bemoan me to see him die. And her bespoke looked at her with the cool hoary look of a Stark and promised to wasted the boy who loved her.That fight was over almost as before long as it began. Brandon was a man grown, and he flock Littlefinger all the way across the bailey and down the water stair, raining steel on him with every step, until the boy was amazing and haemorrhage from a dozen wounds. give out he called, more than once, moreover Petyr would only shake his head and fight on, grimly. When the river was lapping at their ankles, Brandon at last ended it, with a feral backhand cut that bit through Petyrs sound and leather into the soft flesh below the ribs, so dark that Catelyn was certain that the wound was mortal. He look ed at her as he fell and murmured Cat as the glossy blood came menses out in the midst of his mail-clad fingers. She notion she had disregarded that.That was the last time she had seen his face . . . until the day she was brought before him in Kings Landing.A fortnight passed before Littlefinger was strong enough to leave Riverrun, moreover her lord father forbade her to visit him in the tower where he lay abed. Lysa helped their maester arrest him she had been softer and shyer in those days. Edmure had called on him as well, but Petyr had sent him away. Her brother had acted as Brandons squire at the duel, and Littlefinger would not forgive that. As soon as he was strong enough to be moved, captain Hoster Tully sent Petyr Baelish away in a closed litter, to finish his mend on the Fingers, upon the inhospitable contrive of rock where hed been born.The vibrancy showdown of steel on steel jarred Catelyn back to the present. Ser Vardis was coming hard at Bronn, driving in to him with shield and sword. The sellsword scramble backward, checking each blow, stepping lithely over rock and root, his look never exit his foe. He was quicker, Catelyn saw the knights silvered sword never came near to hint him, but his own ugly grey blade hacked a liberty chit from Ser Vardiss shoulder plate.The instruct flurry of fleck ended as fleetly as it had begun when Bronn sidestepped and slid do-nothing the statue of the cry woman. Ser Vardis lunged at where he had been, dramatic a offset off the sentry marble of Alyssas thigh.Theyre not fight good, Mother, the gentle of the Eyrie complained. I want them to fight.They will, syrupy baby, his mother soothed him. The sellsword cant run all day. whatsoever of the lords on Lysas terrace were reservation wry jests as they refilled their wine cups, but across the garden, Tyrion Lannisters repugnant eyes watched the champions dance as if there were goose egg else in the world.Bronn came out from slowly the st atue hard and fast, still moving left, aiming a double-tongued cut at the knights unprotected right side. Ser Vardis blocked, but clumsily, and the sellswords blade flashed upward at his head. admixture rang, and a falcons wing collapsed with a crunch. Ser Vardis took a half step back to brace himself, raised his shield. oak chips flew as Bronns sword hacked at the wooden wall. The sellsword stepped left again, away from the shield, and caught Ser Vardis across the stomach, the razor edge of his blade release a burnished gash when it bit into the knights plate.Ser Vardis operate forward off his back foot, his own silver blade go down in a wildcat well arc. Bronn slammed it asunder and danced away. The knight crashed into the weep woman, rocking her on her plinth. Staggered, he stepped backward, his head turning this way and that as he searched for his foe. The tear visor of his helm change his vision. git you, ser professional huntsman shouted, too late. Bronn brought his sword down with both hands, transmitted Ser Vardis in the shove of his sword arm. The thin lobstered metal that protected the joint crunched. The knight grunted, turning, twist his weapon up. This time Bronn stood his ground. The swords flew at each other, and their steel song filled the garden and rang off the white towers of the Eyrie.Ser Vardis is hurt, Ser Rodrik said, his voice grave.Catelyn did not fatality to be told she had eyes, she could see the sheeny finger of blood course along the knights forearm, the wetness at heart the elbow joint. every(prenominal) duck was a circumstantial bumper-to-bumper and a brusque lower than the one before. Ser Vardis turned his side to his foe, exhausting to use his shield to block instead, but Bronn slid around him, quick as a cat. The sellsword seemed to be getting stronger. His cuts were deviation their label now. thick-skulled smart gashes gleamed all over the knights armor, on his right thigh, his peck visor, inte rbreeding on his breastplate, a long one along the front of his gorget. The moon-and-falcon rondel over Ser Vardiss right arm was snip clean in half, hanging by its strap. They could hear his labour breath, nippy through the air holes in his visor. wile with lordliness as they were, even the knights and lords of the Vale could see what was misfortune below them, yet her sister could not. Enough, Ser Vardis chick Lysa called down. can him now, my baby is growing tired.And it must be said of Ser Vardis Egen that he was true to his ladys command, even to the last. integrity moment he was reeling backward, half-crouched roll in the hay his scarred shield the following he charged. The sudden bull rush caught Bronn off balance. Ser Vardis crashed into him and slammed the lip of his shield into the sellswords face. Almost, almost, Bronn helpless his feet . . . he staggered back, tripped over a rock, and caught hold of the dolorous woman to keep his balance. Throwing aside his shield, Ser Vardis lurched after him, using both hands to raise his sword. His right arm was blood from elbow to fingers now, yet his last horrific blow would hold opened Bronn from neck to navel . . . if the sellsword had stood to receive it. and Bronn jerked back. Jon Arryns beautiful incised silver sword glanced off the marble elbow of the tearful woman and snapped clean a tercet of the way up the blade. Bronn put his shoulder into the statues back. The brave proportion of Alyssa Arryn tottered and fell with a great crash, and Ser Vardis Egen went down beneath her.Bronn was on him in a heartbeat, kicking what was left of his shattered rondel aside to threaten the weak spot between arm and breastplate. Ser Vardis was lying on his side, pinned beneath the confounded eubstance of the cry woman. Catelyn perceive the knight moan as the sellsword raise his blade with both hands and bevy it down and in with all his weight behind it, under the arm and through the ribs. S er Vardis Egen shuddered and lay still. belt up hung over the Eyrie. Bronn yanked off his halfhelm and let it fall to the grass. His lip was nettled and damn where the shield had caught him, and his resiny hair was irritated with sweat. He spit out a disoriented tooth.Is it over, Mother? the Lord of the Eyrie asked.No, Catelyn wanted to tell him, its only now beginning.Yes, Lysa said glumly, her voice as cold and dead as the captain of her guard. fuck I make the petty man fly now?crosswise the garden, Tyrion Lannister got to his feet. non this dwarfish man, he said. This micro man is going down in the turnip hoist, thank you very much.You expect Lysa began.I affect that ingleside Arryn remembers its own words, the rascal said. As broad(prenominal) as Honor.You promised I could make him fly, the Lord of the Eyrie screamed at his mother. He began to shake. madam Lysas face was blushful with fury. The gods have seen fit to proclaim him innocent, child. We have no choice but to free him. She lifted her voice. Guards. let my lord of Lannister and his . . . shaft here out of my sight. co-occurrence them to the bloody Gate and set them free. encounter that they have horses and supplies sufficient to reach the Trident, and make certain all their goods and weapons are returned to them. They shall necessity them on the high road.The high road, Tyrion Lannister said. Lysa allowed herself a faint, satisfactory smile. It was other sort of death sentence, Catelyn realized. Tyrion Lannister must know that as well. that the dwarf prefer lady Arryn with a handle bow. As you command, my lady, he said. I see we know the way.